1st - Unkiss me [Got7]

71 8 4

First place winner of Prompt: Fake Love


"And do you, Youngjae, take Risa to be your lawfully-wedded wife?" the priest asked.

Youngjae nodded as he proclaimed without hesitance, "I do."

"You may now kiss your bride."

Youngjae leaned forward as he lifted the veil from his fiancée's face to reveal his glowing bride. He smiled when he saw her, a small gasp escaping his lips as he finally had a clear view of his bride's beautiful features. Risa's lips curled into a smile as their eyes met and he leaned forward to seal their vows.

As Youngjae's lips met hers, he couldn't help thinking that this was the happiest moment of his life. That one simple kiss from the woman he loved could make him feel so elated, so powerful, so courageous. He felt like he could conquer any obstacle as long as he had Risa by his side. To him, their kiss symbolised the beginning of their life together as husband and wife. It was like the perfect ending to their fairy tale-- at last, they had reached their happily ever after.

Youngjae envisioned so many things with Risa by his side. He imagined raising a family with her; going on vacations together; taking their children to school and eventually looking back on this day while sitting on easy chairs in their ripe old age. He couldn't wait for their life together to begin. He couldn't wait at all.

But the life he imagined for both of them was different to reality.

Oh, how Youngjae wanted to go back to that day; to go back to that time; to go back to when they were happy.

He looked across from where he was standing to where his wife was getting ready in front of the vanity table. She looked beautiful as usual. She looked as beautiful as the day they married, three years ago.

"What time will you be back?" he questioned her.

She gave him a glance over her shoulder and answered distractedly, "Late."

Youngjae pursed his lips. Lately, Risa was hardly ever home. She was always busy working until late at night or going on company dinners. They hardly saw each other nor did they speak. When did things start going sour between them?

"Do you need me to drive you?" he asked. He wanted to make conversation with her as much as he could. He missed the sound of her voice. He missed her company and he generally missed being with his wife.

Risa was finishing applying mascara on her long lashes. "No, it's fine. One of my colleagues will be picking me up."

At this, Youngjae was curious, "Who? Is it Sana?" he asked, stating the name of Risa's closest friend at work. Youngjae didn't mind if it was Sana. After all, he liked Sana-- she seemed like a sensible person.

Risa sighed and Youngjae knew that she was irritated. Risa always sighed like that when she spoke to Youngjae. It was as if she was tired of him. "No" she replied curtly. "It's not Sana but she will be at the dinner. I'll meet her there later." She got up from her seat and started making her way downstairs, brushing past Youngjae, who was leaning against the door frame.

Youngjae watched as Risa went to put on her heels that complimented the short, body-hugging dress that she was wearing. His eyes trailed downwards as he took in the curves of her figure and he eyed his wife appreciatively. At that precise moment, all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and trace his hands along her body. He ached to feel her body against his. It's been so long.

As he approached her for a hug, Risa suddenly jumped and escaped his embrace. She looked at him confusedly, "What are you doing?"

"I-I just wanted to hug you."

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