Chapter 2: The First Task.

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It was roughly five in the morning when the sound of a female voice could be heard over the intercoms, five operators were ordered to report to the briefing room immediately. Those operators were IQ, Thatcher, Glaz, BlackBeard, Montangne, and Y/n, everyone geared up and quickly made their way to where they were instructed. Y/n was the first to arrive since his dorm was the closest and he was ready except one thing was different his mas wasn't the same one he had always worn this one was more concerning as the rest of his team looked at him.

 Y/n was the first to arrive since his dorm was the closest and he was ready except one thing was different his mas wasn't the same one he had always worn this one was more concerning as the rest of his team looked at him

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As everyone was wondering why he wore the new mask Monika sensed something was off about him today, he was different as if he wasn't really himself. Six walked into the room and ignored the sudden mask change as if she hadn't noticed it. She scanned the room examining each operator making sure they were combat ready before speaking.

Six: "We got reports of white mask occupying an abandoned warehouse just outside of Mexico city, the mexican government wants us to go in and wipe them out. As far as I'm aware there are no civilians in or around the location, however bombing the area isn't an option since we can gather intel about their next plan and where they may be next."

BlackBeard: "So what your saying is that you want us to take this place over overnight and get all the intel we can from these guys."

Six: "That's right, I am sure you are all more than capable than handling a simple task."

Thatcher: "Sounds simply enough."

IQ: "We'll get it done."

Y/n: "We'll handle it."

Six nodded and left the room, the group of operators studied the map of the area and the blueprints for the building deciding on a good entrance point along with a way that was least guarded and the stealthiest way to approach from. Once that was decided on everyone left the room and went to the hangar where they would be transported to their drop off point a few miles away from the target. Y/n was unusually calm about the entire situation, cleaning his gun and even inspecting the sharpness of his blade. His eyes never once made contact with any of the other operators on the plane.


The plane touched down at around 10:00, everyone removed their gear from the plane and checked their equipment over again to make sure they had enough ammo, gadgets, and whatever else they needed except Y/n. He had already started walking towards the target location, mk12 slung over his shoulder as if he didn't expect to be shot at for a while. Everyone once again stared at him before jogging to catch up to him, it was a silent 4 mile hike through relatively open area with only small objects to hide behind if needed. Monika struggled to keep up with Y/n as he seemed to be moving at an alarming pace and not once needing to stop to rest for drink anything. 

Monika: "We need to rest for a bit before we die from heatstroke, come on there is no way they will find us out here."

Y/n pondered the thought for a moment, as he surveyed the area. His eyes darted back any forth as he tried to spot any scouts or patrol units but didn't see anything. After about a minute of silence he nodded and removed his rifle from his shoulder as he sat down on a rock, Monika was relieved that he listened to her but knew she wouldn't get that lucky again. Y/n was focused on the mission and he was prepared to leave them here if he had to if they took too long. He was a mercenary, he was use to doing most jobs alone and only rarely did he ever work with a team. BlackBeard and Glaz watched him carefully as Y/n didn't even seem to notice a scorpion crawling on his shoulder, Thatcher however noticed it and pointed it out to him. Y/n glanced down at the insect and slowly picked it up by it's tail before placing it under his boot slowly crushing it. Monika was glad it was dead, she didn't really like bugs that much but knew it was no use freaking out about them. After their five minute break was over the operators stood up and began walking again.

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