11. day three

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Ella woke up to an unknown pressure on her lips. Her eyes fluttered open and suddenly all the memories of the night before came flooding back. Her and Timmy were tangled up together in his king sized bed, there were beams of light shining through the window so it was clearly morning.

"Good morning" Timmy's voice was hoarse because it was the morning but it was extremely sexy to Ella. Ella reached up and kissed him again, he kissed her back and rolled on top of her. Ella grinned, knowing what was going to happen and relaxed herself, soaking up the moment.

This time, Ella could properly see Timmy's face. She pushed his hair back as he started to grind against her and smiled. Timmy couldn't bare for her to smile and not kiss her so he leant down and kissed her hard. Ella moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"We should do this all day" Ella was high off happiness when Timmy eventually rolled next to her. Timmy couldn't believe he had Ella like this, he couldn't think of anything else he'd rather be doing.

Ella looked around the room, she had never actually looked at his room in depth before. He had always been her centre of attention. Timmy had started to kiss her neck when she saw a polaroid camera in the corner of the room. She pulled back the bed sheets, much to Timmy's dismay, and got up so she could go and get it.

Timmy watched the naked girl walk around his room and felt like crying with happiness. He watched as Ella put on his oversized black jumper and her underwear and picked up his old Polaroid camera. Ella rushed back over to him and straddled him almost immediately. Timmy just laid back and watched Ella get excited over the camera.

"Is there film in it?" She asked, Timmy took the camera and inspected it.

"Should be" he ran his hands through his hair, suddenly becoming very self aware. Ella put the camera up to her eye and tried to get the best angle of Timmy so she could remember this moment forever. "What are you doing?" He laughed, she held her hand up to tell him to shh and he did.

"I wanna remember this" she whispered and clicked the button. They both watched the film slide out and Timmy took it before she could. Ella collapsed next to him and watched the photo develop, it developed into a lovely photo of a shirtless Timmy which Ella loved.

"Not the best angle" Timmy sighed but Ella took the photo from his hands and looked at it closely.

"It's perfect" Ella placed it on his bedside table and then turned back to him.

"Hey, it's only fair I have one too" Timmy hugged Ella and then rolled her on top of him. She sat up again and tried to sort out her messy blonde hair. Timmy pulled her hand down, he wanted her hair to be messy, he loved her hair when it was messy. Timmy clicked it before she was ready but he loved that, it meant now he had a candid of her.

"Timmy!" She whined, he pulled it out of the camera and shook the photo while Ella sat happily on him. He stared at the photo and grinned, he placed it on his bedside table before wrapping his arms around Ella so they were now cuddling.

"Don't leave" he mumbled into her chest, her stomach created butterflies that flipped and fluttered all over her. She moved herself downwards so they were facing each other and kissed him softly.

"What do I say, if people ask me about you?" Ella grew nervous as she waited for his answer, an answer she wasn't sure she wanted to know. Timmy took in a deep breath, he hadn't even thought of what either of them would say. He had completely forgotten that both of them were famous movie stars, he had felt so normal with her.

"What do you want to say?" They hadn't been careful, they had just wandered along the streets as if they were normal people. Someone must've seen. Ella wrapped her leg around Timmy's body and started to play with his hair.

"I want to keep you all to myself, at least for a while" She didn't want to lie, she didn't want to be asked about Timmy and have people speculating into their relationship constantly. Especially if they were going to do the whole long distance thing.

"Okay, so say we are friends. We met at the Oscars and we are just friends" Timmy agreed, he never wanted a relationship that was in the public eye. He knew that if they were to become exclusive and date for a while then people would eventually find out but for now it was nice just to have each other.

"I'm keeping this jumper" Ella grinned, loving the feeling of the material and the fact that it smelt like Timmy. Timmy put his hand up the jumper, making her giggle as he felt her up.

"Okay." He loved that jumper but he was willing to give it up if he knew Ella was wearing it. He started to fiddle with her hair while Ella just stared at him.

"I'm not a natural blonde" she confessed, Timmy's eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows. "I'm a mousy brunette" she scrunched up her face at the thought of her natural hair.

"That's hot" Timmy grinned, Ella let out a laugh that shatters Timmy's heart.

"Do you want some lunch? I can post mates a Big Mac?" Timmy suggested. Ella couldn't help but wonder why he wanted her to eat so unhealthily.

"Are you hungry?" She wondered if they would have to get out of bed.

"Starving" his voice wobbled as Ella started to kiss his face and neck. He was actually hungry and didn't know whether Ella was asking as a sort of euphemism.

"Okay, we can get a postmates as long as we don't have to get out of bed" Ella said against his skin. Goosebumps emerged so he had to pull himself away before he got too into it. Timmy grabbed his phone to order postmates while Ella found a weird looking remote so she pressed the on button curiously. Suddenly the end of Timmy's bed opened and a huge flatscreen started to rise from it.

"You wanna watch tv?" Timmy asked as he ordered them postmates, Ella just stared at him as if it was completely normal for a tv to come out of a bed.

"This is so cool" Ella flicked through the shows, she wanted one. Timmy ordered the food and then started to kiss Ella's neck again. "T, you have a tv in your bed!" Ella couldn't get over it. Timmy grinned at the way she called him 'T'.

"Hmm, yeah I'll get you one if you want" he pulled her jumped from the collar so her shoulder was revealed. Ella just laughed at his offer.

"What do you wanna watch?" Ella was flicking through the channels until she landed on Ellen.

"Next week we have Ella Lawrence here!" Ellen shouted just as she got onto the channel. Ella widened her eyes to Timmy who grinned with pride. He took the opportunity of them both looking at each other to kiss her hard, so hard that she fell backwards and he landed on her.

They kissed for a long long time, moving into different positions and leaving marks in different areas. Both trying to make up for all the time they missed and all the time they're going to miss.

The door bell was what interrupted them abruptly, Timmy groaned as he pulled away from Ella's addictive lips. He put on a shirt while Ella admired all the love bites she had left on his skin.

Timmy ran to the door and opened it to see a man standing with big McDonald's bag. His face dropped when he saw Timmy which made Timmy mentally sigh.

"McDonald's for Mr Chalamet?" The man grinned, Timmy did a half smile and took the bag off the man.

"Thanks" he shut the door in his face and ran back to Ella who was now watching some show about a guy who can speak to the dead.

"I love your tv" she grinned as Timmy joined her in bed. He pulled out the Big Mac and handed it to Ella, Ella gladly took it off him and gave him a long seductive kiss to say thank you. Timmy was shocked at her being so forward but Ella was just so happy she didn't care.

The couple sat and set up themselves so they could eat. Timmy watched Ella bite into her burger and laughed at her face. Ella had never tasted anything like it, it was beautiful, it was delicious.

"Good?" Timmy couldn't stop laughing at her reaction.

"Oh my god" she laughed with him when she had swallowed her bite.

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