45. armie's play

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"Ella are you even slightly ready?" Timmy yelled, worried they would miss going to visit Armie beforehand.

Ella ran out of the bedroom, still putting an earring in. Timmy stood up to meet her as she pulled her dress down. He still lost his breath every time he saw her wherever she was.

"Sorry sorry sorry" she repeated before kissing him to show she meant it. He pushed her out the door and into the cab that had been waiting for a while to take them to broadway to see Armie's new play 'straight white men'.

Ella was wearing a beautiful float dress that just finished above her knee. It was black with a pink flower print, it kind of just perched on her. Timmy wore a white shirt and black trousers, he didn't want to be too much and show Ella up.

They hopped out the taxi, there were a bunch of people queuing outside. A few called for Timmy to which he waved and gave his best smile. A security guard led them to the stage door and back stage so they could see Armie.

Ella was the first to see him, she yanked Timmy by the sleeve in his direction and they both appeared at his door. Elizabeth noticed them before Armie. She leapt off her seat and hugged Timothée first. Armie noticed and got out of her seat to hug Ella. They swapped people.

"Oh Ella, you look beautiful." Elizabeth complimented. Ella looked Elizabeth up and down, she truly was the definition of classy and beautiful. She was so long and slim, her bone structure was so linear and defined. Ella had a massive girl crush on her.

"I am so not the beautiful one here Elizabeth" she smiled back at her when they had stopped hugging. Timmy put his arm around Ella once everyone had separated and Armie grinned at them.

"When do you have to go Armie?" Timmy asked, they hadn't seen each other in a long time and Timmy wanted to talk to him.

"Warm ups in like twenty minutes" he shrugged. Timmy let go of Ella and tilted his head to the side to indicate he wanted to go somewhere with Armie. Armie caught on and although confused, went with Timmy anyway. Ella and Elizabeth didn't seem to mind.

"What's up?" Armie asked. Timmy didn't know how to put his words exactly.

"I've been thinking...recently...and...ugh" he stumbled on his words. Armie raised his eyebrows and jumped to conclusions almost instantly.

"Oh my god you're gonna propose. Dude I say this with love-"

"No!" Timmy cut him off. "I want to ask her to move to New York and like live with me but I don't know if she'll do it and I don't know what I'm gonna do if she says no." Timmy slipped his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heel nervously. Armie leant up against a wall and sighed.

"Do you want my honest opinion?" He asked, Timmy raised an eyebrow as if to say 'duh' so he continued. "I think if you ask her she will say no. It's too soon, you've been dating for like 4 months and you two are so young." He started but Timmy held up a finger.

"But this isn't a normal young persons relationship. We are long distance, this is the only way we will be able to do the the normal relationship thing." Timmy argued. Armie didn't quite understand so backed down a little bit.

"Do you have plan at least?" Armie wondered whether he was finding out now that Timmy was one of those people who fall in love too quickly.

"I'm going to ask her at the end of her stay here and then she has the whole of next month in London to sort it all out; you know pack and stuff." He grinned, thinking of Ella living with him. Armie still wasn't convinced.

"I know you two are in love but can't you ask her at the end of your stay in London? Or a little bit after that? She might feel a bit overwhelmed about the whole thing, it is a lot to ask." He tried to talk some sense into the boy.

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