34. together

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Ella practically ran to the exit of the airport. She saw Timmy and ran to him, jumping straight onto his arms. He let out a hefty laugh as he caught her and held her tightly. They stayed like that for a while before he finally put her down and they kissed like it was air.

"Hey there" he grinned as he held her. She squeezed him tightly and then squealed as she held his face.

"One whole month! Do you understand how many days that is?" Ella grinned back. Timmy couldn't say anything else, he couldn't believe he was holding her. "I start filming tomorrow so you have me all day today" he swallowed hard, it was as if his crush was talking to him for the first time. He had butterflies in his stomach as he looked at her.

"Do you wanna go to Bertie's?" He asked when he finally got over himself. Ella agreed and he carried her stuff as they walked. "I forgot to tell you that I had coffee with Lily Rose Depp the other day" he said as they walked.

"Oh, how was it? Is she nice?" Timmy liked but also worried that he didn't see a spark of jealousy in Ella even though she knew it was there.

"Yeah, she wants to meet you." He put his arm around her but Ella's head snapped at the thought of him talking to Lily about her.

"You spoke to her about me?" A wave of fear ran through Timmy. Was he not supposed to do that? Ella didn't look mad but she could just be hiding it, she was an actress after all.

"Uh, yeah" he couldn't come up with anything else. Ella turned her head away from him as they walked while Timmy felt as if he was going to explode from anxiety.

"What did you say?" She asked eventually. Timmy tried to remember what he had said about her.

"Well, she asked me if I was single so I said how amazing-" Ella's eyes widened and jealousy ran through her like wild fire. She stopped walking and removed herself from his arm on the street.

"She asked you if you were single?" She had never felt like this before, she had never felt jealousy this powerful. Timmy just stared at her as if she were crazy but then he broke into a huge grin. Ella leant herself against the wall so ongoing people can walk past.

"Are you jealous?" He tried not to laugh. Ella's eyes widened again and she opened her mouth to try and say something. "Wow, I'm actually a little relieved. You were like really okay with everything while I lost my shit over Milo." He smiled at Ella who was just stood facing him, in shock.

"You lost your shit over Milo?" She asked, suddenly realising what he said. They both stared at each other, having a weird moment.

"Well yeah. The dudes named you his celebrity crush at every opportunity, I'm obviously not going to be ecstatic that he's gonna kiss you" he explained. This time Ella broke into a grin.

"Have you been stalking him?" She grinned. Timmy looked everywhere but her eyes which gave her the obvious answer. "Oh my god" she laughed. "Right we both need to stop" he held her hand and brought it up to his mouth to kiss it.

"Agreed." Timmy moved closer to her, she couldn't move anywhere because she was pressed up against the wall. He leant down and kissed her, Ella let him kiss her for a moment before pulling away.

"You can't kiss me like that in the street" she giggled. He raised his eyebrows and looked around at all the people that glanced at them as they walked past.

"Okay, let's go" he gave her a kiss, finding it hard to pull away before they continued their journey to Bertie's.

When they arrived, Bertie came out from behind the counter to greet them both.

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