69. last reunion

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happy birthday my love

Ella ran to Timmy as fast as she could, knowing she wouldn't have to let go of him for a long time. He opened his arms and let her collide into him at full speed. They stood, rocking back and forth in their hug for a while, neither one wanting to let go.

"Ugh you smell so good." Ella groaned, feeling Timmy shake with laughter. She pulled out of the hug reluctantly and brought her hands to his face, noticing the dark circles that had accumulated under his eyes.

"You okay?" He asked, having noticed the concern in her eyes. She brought her thumbs under his eyes and ran them along as if she was trying to rub them away.

"You look tired" she commented, he turned his face away from her and let go to pick up her bags.

"Just the excitement of seeing you keeping me up." He brushed her off, pecking her on the lips and then turning towards the exit. Ella was left dumbfounded but didn't touch up on it just yet.

When they reached Timmy's apartment, he unlocked the door to reveal Lexie and Matt on the couch. They both screamed and ran to her to hug her. It was then, Ella realised how much Lexie had influenced Matt. He used to be this tough lad that didn't need a woman to define him and now he was basically acting as Lexie.

"Hey guys." She laughed as they hugged her.

"We've got to get going but we're coming over later and we're all going out for dinner!" Lexie announced, Ella nodded and kissed them both as they made their way to the door.

"Welcome home." Timmy hugged her from behind as soon as they were gone. He rested his head on her shoulder and took in her smell, she was home to him. She spun around in his arms and held his face in her hands.

"I'm kinda tired, do you wanna nap?" She asked, she wasn't that tired but Timmy looked as if he hadn't slept in a year. He gave her a worn down smile and nodded.

He passed her his jumper off his back as they reached the bedroom. She took off her jeans and top before pulling the jumper over head and joining him on his bed. He put his arm around her and closed his eyes. She stared up at him for a while, wondering why he was so exhausted, he always seemed happy over the phone and excited.

"Pourquoi tu m'observes mon papillon? Why are you watching me my butterfly?" She rested her head on his chest, removing her eyes from his face.

"Parce que tu es à moi. Because you are mine." She replied, his eyes opened but he only saw her blonde hair laying on him. His heart felt heavy while he stared at her, he had been so nervous about this trip.

"Tu m'as manqué. I missed you." He whispered, kissing her head before closing her eyes. She smiled and squeezed his skinny body.

They slept, tangled up in each other for a few hours. Timmy woke first with a jolt but soon calmed down when he saw Ella, who was now laying next to him with her leg wrapped around his. He ran a hand up her thigh, caressing it gently. She hummed to show she was awake.

"Come on, let's go for dinner." He whispered, trying to move away from her. She removed herself from him completely and hugged his pillow as a replacement. "I'll go and make you a cup of tea, I bought a kettle." He told her, making her smile.

He came back moments later with her tea and put it on the side. She sat up and sipped it before pulling him in for a kiss.

"Did you buy a return ticket?" He asked, not being able to hold himself back. She shook her head so he looked away, not wanting to show any emotion towards the notion. It made him less nervous but still, it wasn't just going to go away just like that.

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