Chapter 8

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Sophie's pov
I awoke once again to my phone ringing, my head was rested upon sweets chest, I just wanted to go back to sleep but sadly school was today, I picked up my phone and checked the time 04:12am: Jughead was calling, I let the call continue, whatever he was ringing for could wait, my phone started ringing again I slammed my face into the pillow and lightly screamed trying not to awake sweet.

After the third time it rang I picked up but walked into the living room "jughead jones I swear if you don't have a valid excuse for waking me up I will punch you and break something on your pretty little face, what do you want" I said whisper shouting to not wake sweet pea up. He told me everything after asking questions about where I was, he obviously wasn't happy about that but oh well, I can't believe penny lied about our dad being seriously hurt just so she could get jug to do work for her.

It was about 5 by the time I got off the phone with jug, I wouldn't have been able to get back to sleep so I just tidied all the rubbish up that was around sweets trailer, I sat myself on the sofa and went on my phone for a bit until it was about 07:15am the normal time I would get up to get ready, I heard noises from the other room as sweet pea opened the door and smiled at me "I thought you left, I was sad to see that you wasn't in my arms this morning when I woke up" he said walking towards me "yeah sorry jug phoned at 4 this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep after so I just tidied up a bit and watched some TV" I said smiling at him "why thank you, what did jones phone about?" he said taking a seat next to me "penny lied, dad never got hurt by the ghoulies she just lied to get jug to work for her" I sighed "anyway we should get ready so I will need to quickly borrow this shirt so I can go back to my trailer and get changed so you go get changed" I said pushing him into his room I slipped on skinny jeans and tucked sweets top into the jeans, I put my shoes on and waited for sweet pea, he walked out after 5 minutes and we set off to my trailer.

When we pulled up I told sweets to wait there and I wouldn't be long I brushed my hair and put on a bralette, a long green top, ripped blue jeans and my nude Chelsea boots with my serpent jacket, I then set off out my trailer after grabbing my bag.

"I'll give you your top soon don't worry" I said to him as I got onto my bike "keep it, you look better in it" he smirked as we headed off to the most uneventful day ever

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"I'll give you your top soon don't worry" I said to him as I got onto my bike "keep it, you look better in it" he smirked as we headed off to the most uneventful day ever. However I didn't see jug at all that day which was strange, I would ask him when I get home after I see dad at the station after school.

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