Chapter 14 || He Who Is Without Sin ||

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When Robert arrived at the Sheriff's office, he was pleased to see that Euell was there. That was a good start. He strode inside, a trail of smoke following him from the cigar that protruded from his lips. He didn't greet Atwell with a 'good morning' because it wasn't. The only thing good about it was that he was about to get one step closer to seeing at least one of Joseph's hang for the loss of his son.

"Wut do you need me ta sign or fill out?" The Shield questioned bluntly, as he took a chair in front of Euell's desk.

Meanwhile, Tom hadn't asked any questions when his father had told him to come with him. The moment he had seen Clarence Shield it was pretty clear in Tom's mind that whatever was going on was related to last night, and whatever they believed he saw.

The blond was nervous. His stomach was bunching in knots and he could feel a cold sweat across his skin. Horace seemed to be able to sense his anxiety and patted his shoulder as they neared the Sheriff's office.

As tempting as it had been to want to question the young man prior, Clarence had kept his consulting limited to Horace. Despite his encouragement to do otherwise, Horace seemed to think it was best to let Euell speak to Tom about what happened, and not press the boy for any information prior to allowing the Sheriff's interrogation.

Being Robert's brother tied Clarence's hands. More than likely Atwell wouldn't allow him to assist in the investigation, and he certainly wouldn't be allowed to take part in a trial if the case got to that stage. The McGraths would surely cry 'conflict of interest' to that, and to make this morning more frustrating, Robert's horse was hitched in front of the office when they arrived.

Euell looked up from the papers in his hand, his gaze settling on Robert calmly. "I already got yer statement Robert, the investigation is still ongoing until I got enough evidence to take someone into custody, and right now I don't." He set the papers down on the desk as he adjusted in his seat.

"So far, you and Joseph are dead even on the matter. You claim a McGrath killed yer son and Horace's boy. Joseph swears up and down it wasn't by their hand. Normally, I'd side with you, as it was your land, but now they have evidence to dispute even that..." Euell let out a heavy sigh.

"The truth of the matter is that I don't believe either side's completely innocent, and it's a shame anyone lost their life over this." Euell's words were saturated with sincerity and regret over the matter. The fact that three people died was not something he was taking lightly.

Robert's eyes were glassy, and his jaw was clenched so tight that he resembled a steaming bull as he exhaled slowly, finding it difficult not to snap at the town's Sheriff. Once he was ready to speak, he opened his mouth only to be interrupted by Clarence pushing his way past the door.

"Mornin'," Clarence said in a curt manner, avoiding Rob's gaze as he made his way towards his desk, walking with purpose. Horace followed in with his son only half a moment later.

"Sheriff," Birch said with a slight tip of his hat. His other hand was firmly on Tom's shoulder. "Deputy said you may need to talk to my boy." He said quietly. Tom swallowed the lump in his throat, Bran McGrath's words ringing in his head... 'they shot each other.' How would Tom possibly make anyone believe that? He rung his hands anxiously.

Euell was all too happy to see Clearance enter when he did, his relief was short-lived, however, as he spotted Horace Birch right behind him with his son. It didn't take any detective work for Euell to figure this had to do with the shooting, but beyond that, he'd have to wait and see.

"Mornin'," He replied and lifted a brow at Horace's implication. "Do I?" He wondered aloud, casting a curious glance towards Clarence before looking at Tom again, though Robert still took up most of his view. "You know something that you ought'a be tellin' me?" The sheriff's question was conversational and more inquisitive than anything else.

Robert raised a brow, a dangerous gleam in his eyes sparking like a struck match as he glanced to his brother. "He saw who done this?" He questioned in a sharp and quick bark.

"I reckon so," Clarence replied. The young blonde's breath hitched.

"Well, open up boy," Robert demanded, and Horace couldn't help gripping Tom's shoulder a bit tighter out of instinct.

"Wull..." Tom breathed, realizing the new draw of air felt overdue.

"Speak up, was you there er not?" the Shield family head questioned, his impatience evident in every bit of his posture and tone.

"He wus," Horace said. He knew that much only because when he had walked away from that clearing with Tom in search of Clyde he had asked him if he'd seen what happened. Tom's silence and shaken demeanor told him that he had. "You ain't in trouble, son, go on an speak," He reassured gently, despite the thick tension in the office.

"Which one a them no good varmints done shot mah boy an yer brother?"

Tom's eyes locked on the cold hard gaze of Robert Shield. "Ain't none a them shot Wade," he claimed in a cool tone, sounding far more collected than he felt.

Something in Rob's eyes changed. Something dark painted his features and it didn't take Tom any time to decide he didn't like it. The Shield descended on the boy, only eighteen, and on the shorter side at that, Robert loomed over him.

"The hell kinda shit you tryin' to pull?" he whispered, glowering at him before flicking his gaze up to Tom's pap. "Horace?"

The sheriff's gaze passed between Robert, Horace, and Tom equally as they spoke, it didn't take him long to see the potential hassle of having Robert pressuring the only witness they may have. Euell rose right with Robert, although he was considerably less intimidating in his own action.

"Clearance, and your brother take a walk," Euell suggested, but it was clearly not up for discussion.

"Horace, you can stay...take a seat, Tom," the Sheriff offered as he motioned for the chair Robert had been in and set himself on the edge of his desk.

"I'd rather speak to ya alone, Sir," Tom replied quietly, glancing at his father before moving towards the offered seat, giving Robert Shield a wide berth as he did so. The comment caught Horace off guard, and he hesitated a moment.

Clarence placed a solid pat on his brother's back as he passed him. "Les' go," He stated in a semi-authoritative manner, as he took his leave of the office. Rob shot one intense glare at the young man before leaving, spitting immediately upon his exit.

"Well, I'll leave ya to it then," Horace nodded, swallowing down some of his own concern as he tipped his hat to Euell, and made his way outside.

"The hell's gonna happen if that damn kid says them McGraths are innocent, huh?" Robert was struggling to keep his voice at a modest volume.

"I reckon Atwell won't convict any of em," Clarence responded with a dull scowl as he pulled out a small tin box that housed his smokes. He was already growing weary of Robert's displaced anger.

Euell nodded as Horace made his exit then turned back to the boy. "So, seeing how ya have enough confidence that they didn't kill Wade to say so aloud in front'a his pa, I'm guessing ya have a pretty good idea of what happened."

He admired Tom. He was sure not too many men in town would cross Robert Shield if given the choice besides the McGrath boys. Atwell was lucky enough to finally have some chance of getting the truth.

Tom wasn't a Shield or a McGrath, and while his pa was close to Robert, that didn't necessarily mean that Tom was, and that probably made him the most unbiased witness he was going to get at this point. Euell rested his hands on his lap.

"Why don't ya tell me how it all went down, nice and slow."


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