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Evelina sighed as Peter continued to read to her very pregnant belly. It was well after midnight and she was tired after the long day of baby shopping with Belle. She knew Peter's intentions were sweet and fatherly but she just wanted to fall asleep.

"...And then the wolf ate the girl; the end."

Evelina gaped at him with a raised eyebrow and shook her head.

"What kind of story are you reading to my child?"

"It's my child too, Evelina, and it's a story everyone should know," he said as he showed her the book titled Grimm Tales.

"Yes, but not everyone should tell it. Specifically you," Evelina snapped back and pushed Peter away.

"You're going to give my baby nightmares... Or even worse; they'll turn out to be just like you... All messed up and shit," she mumbled as she glanced at Peter. He stared at her with disbelief.

"Why are you like this, Evelina?"

"Because Snow White didn't raise no bitch."

//coming soon//

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