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Moving Out

Evelina huffed as she looked down at the task before her. David and Snow had left her in charge for the very first time with baby Neal, and she was very serious about it. She considered it practice for when her baby was born.

And she felt as if she was already failing.

Baby Neal was crying his head off and so was Evelina. She couldn't figure out what the baby wanted. She had tried everything, including a new diaper, some food, and a long nap. Nothing helped poor Neal relax and Evelina became more and more desperate as she couldn't figure out what the baby needed.

So when Peter entered the loft after getting groceries, he was more than concerned when he saw his girl sitting next to the basinet with huge tears streaming down her face.

"Peter, I'm going to be a terrible mother!"

Peter shook his head and let out a sigh as he placed the bags down on the kitchen table. He turned to Evie before kneeling before her.

"My love, you will be the best mother in the world." He whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms loosely around her sniffing body.

"But look at Neal!"

Peter glanced over to the baby still sobbing in his small cradle.

"This child is clearly broken."


Evelina rocked her body back and forth as she stared at the now sleeping baby. She was careful not to wake Neal up again, because she knew he would only go back to crying.

So when Peter came rushing down the stairs, causing so much noise that caused Neal to stir in his sleep, Evelina snapped her glare towards her boyfriend and froze his legs to the stairs. She then froze his mouth shut before he could cuss.

Peter closed his eyes for he couldn't move at all. He knew Evelina only froze him because she loved him, not because she was going crazy.

At least that's what he repeatedly told himself.

Although Evelina was very careful about staying silent, the baby woke up again. But she was glad to see him cooing happily as he grabbed onto his feet. Evelina looked at him suspiciously. The baby was too happy not to have something up his sleeve. She glanced at Peter, who was still frozen. She sighed. She flicked her wrist and the ice slowly melted. Peter glared at her but took a seat next to the blonde.

"Do you know anything about babies?" Evelina whispered. Pan frowned.

"I know they're small and annoying. Just like this one. Our baby will definitely not be like this. Our baby will be perfect." He said confidently. Peter felt victorious when he saw a small smile grace Evelina's lips.

"You really think our baby will be perfect?" She questioned. Peter placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Of course... You're the mother. Anything you do is perfect."


Evelina hid her smirk behind her mug full of soup. She watched as Snow stopped David from punching the living day lights out of Peter for even speaking Evelina's name in the same sentence as moving out.

The random screeches that escaped Prince Charming reminded Evelina of a dinosaur, and she watched carefully. She was ready to strike in case things got out of hand even if her belly was overgrown and ready to pop at any given moment. She soothed her hand over her stomach and hummed lightly.
She needed to go to see Doctor Whale soon.

"Sweetheart, you're exaggerating." Snow said softly as she tried to soothe her husband from his wrath. Evelina looked up from her belly to see David still reaching for Peter's throat.

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