Ep.18: Land Before Swine

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Your POV

The day started with Dipper dragging Soos and I monster hunting. Apparently some creature has been attacking Gravity Falls and he was determined to find out what is was.

Dipper: Today's the day, guys! Thanks for coming along on this mission, Soos!

Soos: Dude, it's an honor! Today I'm sweating from heat and excitement!!! *wipes his sweat away*

Dipper: Something's hiding in these woods, something big enough to rip the roof off a car! If we get a photo of this thing we'll be heroes!!!

Soos: Yeah, and we'll get all the babes while (y/n) gets all the dudes!!! You'll be fending off smooches with a stick!!!

You: Whatever that means.

Dipper: *takes the bag with cameras* Here, give me a boost!

We wrap many cameras in trees and use the ropes to get them to snap when the creature passes through. After we were done we sat down in a branch, Soos wrapping the last camera.

Soos: Got it! *touches the sap and makes disgusted noises* Is sap supposed to me this sticky?

Dipper: If everything goes according to plan the creature will grab that steak, cross through the string, and set of cameras A, B, and C!

Soos: And nothing can go wrong!!! *offers you and Dipper a high five* High five!!!

You: *notice the sap in his hands* Eh...

Dipper: *high fives Soos*

Dipper and Soos: *get their hands stuck together because of the sap*

Dipper: ...this was poorly planned.

You: I'll get the hose.

Just then, a big gush of wind made us cover our eyes as we hear the cameras snap, followed by a roar. Me and Dipper exchange looks knowing what had happened. We run to the Mystery Shack and go to a dark room Dipper had set up for the photos while Soos went to get us some "Victory Nachos", and I love nachos so, yay!!! In the room...

Dipper: *whispers to himself* C'mon, c'mon...!!! *takes the picture from the water and clips it to a strand of rope above him* Hmm... *gasp* That's a wing!!!

You: Ooh, that's a big wing!!!

Dipper: If camera B got the wing, then the one that should have got the rest is...

You: Camera C!!! *run to the picture with Dipper following behind*

You and Dipper: *start to see the creature from the picture*

Dipper: The creature...!!!

Soos: *burst open the door making light enter and causing the picture to blur out* Who wants Victory Nachos?!?

Dipper: No!!! *picks up the picture*

Soos: Dude, don't worry, I only ate like a third of them, half of them. *laughs* I ate all of them, dude!!!

Dipper: I can't believe you, man!!!

Soos: Sorry, dudes, I was just so excited!!! Nachos cause excitement!!!

You: *place your hand on Dipper's shoulder to calm him down* Dip, it's fine! It was an accident!

Dipper: *sigh* Soos, no offense, but you've gotta be more careful sometimes! I mean, what are the odds we'll ever get another picture of-!

Just then, Dipper was cut off by a roar outside. We ran out to see Stan staring to a big, winged creature flying away.

You: What the heck was that thing?!?

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