Chapter 5

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       A man wearing a silver white robe with his silky black hair tied loosely by a string -was looking at Annabelle.

       Annabelle noticed that he was wearing a silver mask -covering all the area above his lips.

       "You're awake! Earlier than I thought you'd be, little doll."

       😑'too tired for a debate!' (Annabelle's thoughts )

       "Silent treatment! That's creative!"

       😐'is he an idiot' (Annabelle's thoughts )

"You were out for only 4 days!"

😱'only!?!?' *sighs* "How'd you know -where I live?"

       "Young miss! You're awake! We were so worried, we were looking everywhere for you. We thought you were kidnapped or something but then......." suddenly the door of the room was pushed open And there stood two young girls probably 13-14 years old.

       Both had the same features -green hair, yellowish coloured eyes and overall delicate appearance. They both were twins, but one had short hair and the other had long hair, that were tied in an updo. The one talking before was the long haired one;Sara. And the one with short hair is called Sana.

They both suddenly looked towards the silver masked guy and Sana fumed "this young man came barging in with you in his arms -all bloody and wounded. We treated your wounds and brought you to your room, when we asked this man to leave you room, for it is highly unlikely that we allow a man to come and stay in our young lady's chambers but he didn't say anything and sat there with his arms folded as if he owns the place...we also tried to stay with you in your chambers but he wouldn't have it and sent us all out...*huffs*"

Annabelle looked towards the young girls and knew from the memories of the body's owner, that these two are her servants given to her by her deceased mother. They have been with her from the moment she was born.

       This world consists of many realms. But no one knows how many realms. That being said- There being more realms than this realm is just a myth to the people of this realm. It's a myth because no one from another realm has ever crossed over here and vice versa. No one knows for sure. And personally I think people wouldn't be announcing it  even if they were from another realm.

       Supposedly, Each realm belongs to a specific race. Leaving the unclear information, in this realm there are 4 main kingdoms and other smaller ones. The 4 kingdoms are in a peace treaty but still have little arguments.

       The 4 kingdoms surround an unclaimed land, it is the forbidden forest. The kingdom's names correspond to their location from the forest. She has transmigrated to the Northern Kingdom.

      The previous owner of the body was named "Anna Evergarden". "Anna" her first name and "Evergarden" her last name. Coincidentally her middle name was belle.

The body has an older male cousin who lives with her and a female cousin who's currently lost, no siblings, no parents(according to memories;dead) only her uncle and grandfather.

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