The Horizon

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(AN- SilentReaper, here! I AM NOT DEAD! Summer has been awesome so far! Almost earned my drivers license, got bad luck in the beginning and my memory sorta sucks about the many rules for driving. And going to the beach on a nice, warm day was nice. Hate the sand, though. 

Turns out I was a bit early on removing the cast and my right arm being healed, and I sorta unconsciously hurt my arm muscles a bit more than necessary [I have a very high pain tolerance] and I was told to take a break on typing for a few more weeks. I can type fine now, so sorry for my absence! 

Here's the chapter that took this me nearly forever to to type, even though it's short for the average reader. So far, updates for my stories will be sorta sporadic, meaning that I can type one the next day or a month. I hate sporadic updates... Please, read and enjoy!

PS- Thanks for those leaving the comments. Especially you, mr.stoneghost. I... really do appreciate the support. And I'm glad that someone noticed the Infinity Gauntlet joke! Enjoy the extra long chapter!)


Escanor needs to be a bit more creative with his attack names. Thought little Jaune. The physical ones, that is. I mean, {Super Slash}? Sounds cool, though! 

He sat on his huge bed, lying down with Escanor's journal at arms length. It will be a couple more hours until his sisters and mother come home, around 6-8 hours at most. With nothing much else to do, and with Mama not allowing him to clean the mess his sisters made, since it was their punishment and not his, it would be wise to learn what Escanor left for him. 

He read the nearly the entirety of Escanor's past adventures and the such, but he mainly focused on the Sins and how their own powers worked. And, wow, they are strong! If what Escanor wrote down is true word for word, then eliminating the Demon threat will be easy! But first, gotta learn his techniques!

~-For one to use an axe, they must understand the balance of using such a weapon. Axes hit harder, and can swing with heavier force than any other since the weight is all focused on the head. Have no fear when fighting in close quarters, for only the weak can cower behind a thin sheet of metal and strike with a toothpick.-~

Escanor claimed that Rhitta is the only weapon that is worthy enough being wielded by him, and claimed that any weapon inferior to her would melt in his hands. A single swing, depending on his form, can slice down mountains right down to the ocean! The weapon was made to be perfect in both power and magic. 

Yep, it has magic, too! Although, it requires Rhitta to absorb the excess heat radiating off of his body. It can store the magic and be released at once at his command, and Little Jaune couldn't wait to try that feature out! 

~-B-but a sword and shield is fine to use, too! It is well-balanced near the handle, making it easy to hold! A-and with the pointed edge, you can thrust and slice at your enemies!  You'll have an easier time to parry attacks as well! I-if all else fails then depend on the shield to d-defend you!-~

Little Jaune rose an eyebrow at this. Why would he write his stutters on paper? Anyway...

Crocea Mors was said to be a secondary weapon forged for Escanor's 'Night Form'. The design of the weapon was inspired from another sword of Escanor's time called"Excalibur", which he disliked for some reason, but honored it nonetheless. Obviously with Rhitta's sheer size, Escanor's 'Night Form' couldn't lift her, let alone fight with her. He had to drag or leave her on the spot until morning. 

The one-handed sword was a simple weapon, like Rhitta being a one-handed axe, but it also has a shield that can transform into a scabbard.

Apparently, both the sword and shield were forged with the same materials Rhitta was made from. Strangely enough, the weapons don't need to be sharpened nor need maintenance. 

Jaune Escanor Arc: Sin of the SunWhere stories live. Discover now