From the Forest

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I feel a clench in my stomach as my mother hugs me tightly in her arms. I can see the trees swaying in the shadows, but something rushes over me. I completely forget about everything around me and all I can think of is my brother. "I need to take him here!" I shout as my mother looks at me, puzzled. "Ash" I lower my voice and she bites her lip. "He's alive?"she questions most likely thinking something happened to him. Than I shriek in panic remember the two people that love me. Lark and Lachlan. A flash of lilac appears, then another. The vision of the brown, hazel eyes with golden streaks that light up my heart. The names seem to sink into my mind as a wonder what had happened to them. "Did Lark get out?" I say without realizing that I am speaking out loud.
"Why are you worrying about her? She has no importance to you. Heck, you have never even met her."
I sigh and close my eyes still worrying but now, about Lachlan.

I begin to tell her everything as we sit in a small shelter she was living in. I tell her my feelings,"I love them. I love BOTH of them". The words trembling out of my mouth and my eyes begin to tear up. I feel an elegant reassurance as I stroke the pink crystal resting on my chest. It reminds me of the day it was given to me and all of the lovely moments with Lachlan.
"His art work is beautiful" I tell her
"It's sounds like you really love him" she says with a smile drifting on to her face
"But I also love Lark" I say with slight hesitation. Then I hear the voice again.

"Beck! The ecopan"I begin to question it with just my mind. Where are they? I ask demandingly to it. At first there is no response then IT reaches out to me showing me a vision of Lachlan. I can't quite make out where he is but he looks hurt and unconscious. "I need to find him!" I say but this time, yelling out loud. My mother looks perplexed sitting on the floor waiting for me to sit back down, but I don't. I walk out of the shelter and find my way to the edge of the desert. I remember all of my suffering there but I continue to look out ready to just sprint across the scorching sand. I look back to find many people with their torches looking at me wide eyed as they wonder if I would even dare to try. I think of the time he saved me from the nanosand and the time when he saved Ash. Then the thought of Lark sinking into it brings me close to tears. I feel a comforting feeling that reminds me of Lachlan keeping me relaxed with my blind vision. That day made me love him just slightly more.

My mother interrupts my lovely thoughts with a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn back to find her looking out to the invisible Eden in the distance. I stand next to her and stare as well. Then I step out with no other thoughts than to save the people I love. Lachlan, Lark, Rainbow, Ash, and all of the other loving second children.

Authors note:
This is my first story on this app but if you do enjoy it please tell me and I will continue. I enjoyed writing and hope you enjoy reading it. Give me any suggestions on my writing or comments on the storyline if I  should tweak something.


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