Salt and Sand

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I purse my lips as a shooting pain passes through my body from my toes to my head. My feet begin to throb as I sprint and I begin to notice something slithering twards me, nanosand. I continue for as long as possible before jumping and swerving out of the way. My tongue is dry and my skin wet from all of my sweat. My eyes begin to close but I blink them open to my wet eyelids. At this point I can't tell the difference between sweat and tear's. They drip from my eyes to my upper lip and cheeks. It trickles into my mouth with it's hot, salty taste.

It feels like I have been running forever with my legs sore and my heart pounding. I look up to the blank sky and begin to cry again. I slip with the next step and fall to my knees. They scrape against the sharp sand. My salty sweat and tear's drip into the wound and I try to release a scream but all that comes out is an angry growl.

After a few seconds I try to lift my body but my legs won't move. Something slithers to my right and another to my left. I squint and try again. No matter how hard I try, I am too weak. Of all the things I have done showing my strength the one thing I can't do in this moment is do the ting I am best at, running.

I try again and I get to my knees with a screech. I try again but when I try to lift my left leg I can't. I look back and notice that it is covered in nanosand. I pull my right leg out and begin to run but I only get a step ahead before I cant move. My leg still locked in the creature. I yank harder with a scream. I finally slip loose and run for my life. "I am doing this for the ones I love" I repeat as I run. I begin to notice a light Shadow and pick up my pace. I screech once I see the stalks and run at top speed.

My foot begins to cool as I step into the shade. I fall to the ground gasping for air staring upwards.

If you want me to continue this series tell me and send it to people who you think would like it. I am so excited to write the next chapter and can't wait for the feedback.
Love you guys

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