Hope to Stay

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"What's happening to her!" screams a strong voice in anger.
All of the sounds around feel as if they are coming from a distance. I continue to listen, still unable to move even a finger. "We're not sure yet, we just need to keep her stable until she wakes up..." The voice trails off as I black out again.

"Why did you waste your time coming back here," a familiar voice starts "all you do is cause people pain." I try to choke out a response but nothing would come out. The more I think about it, the more I notice. I still can't move anything. I begin to realize that my eyes are still closed and continue to listen to the voice.

"You wouldn't have to hide there, away from everyone." As I continue to listen I realize that the familiar voice is not a person, it's the Ecopan. "I shall give you a second chance, but if you mess it up, you shall be left to die outside of any society beyond Eden."

Before it can continue I shoot up. Without thinking I jump up from the bed, gasping for air. A moment later I feel a sharp pain throughout my body and I shrill. I drop back to the bed with my eyes still closed. I hear loud footsteps and the door open.

"Rowan!" I hear loud, coming from the doorway at the end of the bed. I begin to realize that my body has now gone back to it's original frozen state. "Lachlan..." I mumble, my words hanging in the silent room. He is standing over me, looking for the source of my pain. I wince again as another shock of pain rushes over me. The concern in his eyes grows and before I can say anything, he flashes out of the room.

My eyelids grow heavy again as I wait for him to come back.

After what feels like an hour I here the sound of heels on the hard stone of the rooms floor. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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