Through the rubble

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I lie on the ground staring upwards. I am feeling as if I am going to die but I can't stop now. I pull myself up and slowly get to my feet. My skin is bright red and burning hot and my throat is dry with a raspy cough forming.

My knees and legs are shaking as I stand and stare out at the sand for a moment. My  eyes are beginning to water as I realize what I must do.

I turn twards the stalks and slowly walk through, my hands still shaking. I come to a hault when I notice the pile of garbage surrounding the city. I walk around a bit trying to find a place to crawl through.

It feels as though I have been walking for two hours when I spot it. I climb in and slithering through. Scratches and blood begin to form on my arms and legs but I still continue. I let out a loud cough and continue to crawl. The light begins to form on the other end and I move faster. My legs gets caught on a sharp nail and I wince in pain.

I find myself looking out into the clean streets of the out most circle in an ally-way. I turned my eyes to my left, then to my right looking out for green shirts. I slither out of the hole and climb to my feet. I begin to walk discreetly through the small crowds. It is early morning now and I do not want to cause too much attention. I slip past a group and walk in the direction of the underground.

I walk past a girl sitting on a stoop. She has a dark hood covering her face. I am looking down to her and then she stares up at me. We share a smile through our eyes. Just as I'm about to continue she pinches her arm and winces.

Her eyes begin to sparkle as she pulls me in for a hug. I pull back, puzzled by a random girl hugging me. She understands my confusion and looks back down to the ground.

As she does so a small, light colored strand of hair falls. I return the hug and as I do so, I dig a smile into her vibrant lilac hair.

"Rowan" she says in a scratchy voice. "You're ali-" I cut her off with a light kiss on the cheek. She pulls back with her arms still on my shoulders.

"Tell me everything" she says, her eyes now full of tear's.

"I..." I begin but I am stopped by my dry throat and I begin to cough again.

I'm not the biggest lark and Rowan fan but it helps with the story and continues her decision between the 2 characters. Sorry this chapter took so long, I went away and was working really hard on this chapter when I had free time

Love y'all

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