Chapter 2

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Emerson's P.O.V

Me and Emily were the most scared in this situation, but after we were done with all of this we agreed that we would try and make thing's normal for us again and hopefully no more surprises and than the lord Devin got me out of the dirt if she hadn't of found me I could have died there.

I think that mine and Emily's relationship is going really well, we haven't really fought if we do it's at school cause she punches me when i'm being "inappropriate." Anyways back to what has been happening i was just sitting in my room all peaceful doing nothing really and then all of a sudden I was gone!

When I awoke after I had gone unconscious for a few hours I noticed Emily was sitting there crying I think she thought that I could have died, she started crying happy tears when i said it's okay i'm here for you every step of the way. She seemed so happy just to see my face!

My P.O.V

So we all decided that we would tell each others side of the our stories and how we got here but I was the first one to explain what happened to me, I also may turn this story into a book we will see what happens and if I do it will be partly true but most of it is going to be made up stuff.

We are all just talking, I notice that Devin hasn't said anything about how she got here and I went over to her and asked why are you crying? She told me she felt bad for not telling everyone how she got here she said that it was boring and had to tell me in private she even said that i can't even say it in the book that i might be writing as my ELA assignment!

Well other than that let's get back to Devin maybe she will tell you guys in private if convince her.

Devin's P.O.V

Emily keeps wanting me to tell you guys how I got here so here goes nothing, so first of all I was at a friends house by that I mean my boyfriend we were just eating at a picnic the sky went black three times and nothing happened! So then it went black a fourth time and then I was gone I was scared, I didn't know what to do... then Emily came and she made everything great again for me.



(the sky goes black)

Emerson's P.O.V

I run over to Emily and hug her tight and she started to cry she was scared she didn't want anything to happen to anyone else because of her she thought that she was hurting people, I held her tight making sure she is okay I think that she got to worked up.


Emily's P.O.V

We heard screaming it was Gage, he had no clue what was going on and was screaming his head off when i saw Devin he calmed down. He told us he was very confused and even he know's he isn't the last one to appear here and be trapped here like we are.

All of a sudden we notice that Mikayla has super powers, she said I can read peoples minds and she says you really think i have telekinesis Emily? I say well that proves it, she said ya but we need to talk in private so she pulled me over.

She started to talk to me and said this world could be corrupting us in a way that is definitely not good and I agree I have changed myself Mik asks how I say I don't even like Devin right now but i keep going back and forth with that feeling.

Back to when Emerson was knocked unconscious I had known the whole time who it was, I can't tell you now I will tell you when we are in private!

~moves out of room~

Okay now that we are in private I can tell you, me and my best friend Cora went in there to see something and we heard a noise and if you don't know how Cora got here well I will explain that later, back to the story. There was someone in the room with us in the room, it was The Mystery Man who was actually SUTTER?!? He hit Emerson over the head with a TABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LIKE TURTLES. Is what he screamed

~time skip~

Emily's P.O.V
I just got a text from Emerson, I can't read it at the moment but I will. Okay so it's been an hour since Emerson texted me and so I read the text and *gasps* *in crying voice says* why would he do this to me!?! HE'S BREAKING UP WITH ME!

Well I guess it's fine I will move on right? Well that's at least what I thought and it want that easy until a week later after someone else joined in!

Everyone's P.O.V
The sky was going black we were all smart about and knew what was happening, a moment later there was someone there! *all* ELI!!!!!

Eli's P.O.V
No one knew this except Emily that me and Emery had broken up, it was kind of calming that someone knew what was going on in life! I'm pretty sure Emily still has a crush on me she is kind of sweet though.

Emily has known me for like 3-4 years now and she knows like everything since 6th grade, she's a very sweet child and I like calling her shorty and so do a lot of her other really close friends!

We know each other pretty well! She basically knows me to well, she's like that one friendly stalker everyone has. That was a terrible reference but whatever! Well back to the story that I never started I would like to explain what happened and how I got here.

Well first of all I was about to text someone about what was happening and then the sky went black and all of a sudden I was here and then I found out that there were other people here and I saw Emily and I was slightly relived to see her, then I thought I was daydreaming and I thought that this was all a joke! Then I found out that it wasn't.

My P.O.V

So I haven't explained a lot especially about Cora I haven't really introduced her so I'm going to go and talk to her for a moment, I don't know where she is so I am going to leave you guys and go and find her she could be hiding from society.

Okay so I have found her which is a good thing, I want to talk to her with you guys so here goes nothing *warning we are very bad at socializing It's awkward.* Well lets clear some things up like how you/we got here in the first place! *Cora* " Somehow we got teleported here together which no one has had someone else come in with another person it is only us!"

*me* "Correct she was, we have no clue how this happened maybe It has to do with the fact that we were in a range of 10ft, that it could have happened." *Cora* "Well that couldn't be the solution because remember Gage and Devin were together and they both weren't sucked in at the same time during all this stuff."

Mikayla's P.O.V

So I have no idea of where Emily is at but she has ben gone for a while, I have to go find her and tell her something important but I want to talk a little more to someone so I will check up on Emily later... Okay I am back I haven't found her but maybe she will check in with you guys soon!

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