Light in his Eyes

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•Au: Assassin/Hitman
•Ship: Kirishima Eijiro x Bakugou Katsuki
•Summary: Bakugou Katsuki had been the best assassin and sniper for years, working for a secret company. But one day, he was assigned to kill Kirishima Eijiro.
•Au Source: Google
*No quirks*
High school

Katsuki's P.O.V

My target exits the building, walking slowly while talking on his phone. I hid behind the near building, getting ready to shoot him. I pointed my gun on the business man and shot, aiming directly to his heart. He drops dead instantly and blood covers the ground around him. The color of blood is the most amazing thing in this world..I hide the gun in my hoodie and walk away, after enjoying the site of blood. Another successful murder, I sigh from satisfaction.

My phone rang and I answered. It was my boss who was calling. "Katsuki, did you succeed?" She asked from the other line. "Yeah," I answer simply as I walk down the alley to my apartment. "Good. Tomorrow is a vacation, so enjoy your day," she said. I thanked her and hung the phone.

I layed on my bed and opened my phone to check the news. Their was another article saying that another important buisness man was killed half an hour ago, and no one has saw the killer.

Then I opened my messages and saw that some of my old friends texted me. How annoying. I opened Deku's message and read what he sent me.

"Hey Kacchan! Been a long time!

I decided to invite you to my party because I invited alot of people and I really want to see you again. Can you come tomorrow at 9? I'm waiting for your answer!"

I sigh and think. What should I say? Tomorrow's free and I don't have any thing to do, so why not go? It would be fun to see people, for I had been alone for 10 years. I start typing my response to Deku..

"Fine. But where?"

"Do you remember that abandoned house in the forest that we used to play there as kids? It's there."

"Yeah I do. I'm coming."

And then I throw my phone to the couch in front of my bed and I sleep...

The next day, I woke on 8 and start preparing my self for the party. I wore casual clothes that consisted of a white shirt and a black and orange jacket, with black jeans and a white converse.

(Here's how he looks😉)

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(Here's how he looks😉)

I headed to the place where the party's supposed to be, and luckily it wasn't that far away. I don't know when I started thinking about socializing, since I had been an introvertes guy all my life, but I started feeling bored, and a little people around may help.

The house was decorated with colorful lights, and the view around was amazing. There was a long table filled with delicious foods and drinks, and people where roaming around, chatting and laughing aloud. They all seemed to be at the same age as me, and that is kinda good.

I search for my childhood friend, Deku, between the crowd and find him talking with a brunette girl. She stopped talking once she spotted me. Deku turned around and faced me, his eyes lighting up. "Oh Kacchan! Been so long!" He exclaimed bouncing. "Whatever," I say annoyed by his usual attitude. He hadn't changed alot. "Feel free to do whatever you want, Kacchan," he said and then I went to grab some food to eat. I hadn't eaten breakfast yet. I took a plate and put anything I find good, then I go walking around.

There, beside a massive tree, stood a person that wore black and only black. His face was covered with a red mask, decorated with golden strikes. He looked around and then his eyes met mine. They where cold and dull. Once he saw me, he immediately vanished, which left a bad feeling in me. But I don't care after all, wether he kills or steals, 'cause I'm no different.

But then, from no where, someone falls on top of me and pins me to the ground. I was behind the house, and no body was around. "So you wanna fight?" I asked grinning devilishly. "I'm here to kidnapp you," he says with a deep dark voice. "Oh I see. But I won't let you, sorry for that," I informed.

The person kicks me in my side, and keeps doing that while pushing my face down on the ground. I spill blood from my mouth and struggle to get him off me, but fail. I start feeling weak, but I refuse to give in. I try with all my might to get off of the ground, and immediately I stand up, pulling a knife from my pocket. "Die, you shithead," I snapped, attacking him.

But then he hit me hard on my chest.

My breathe stopped, my mind was racing, my vision blurring, my head aching.. I stumbled and fell, looking around only to see a red blur that looked like a person, rushing to me. And then black spots covered my vision, and everything was dark.

Opening my eyes slowly, I felt like I was lying on a soft bed. A ventilator on my face. A beeping sound that came from my left, and seemed like a monitor, annoyed me. I looked to my side and figured that I was in a hospital room. A nurse came to the room and looked at me surprised. She then exited the room and came back after a moment, with a tall man beside her. "Helloo Bakugou. I'm your doctor and I helped you heal," he said while pulling a pen from his pocket. The doctor starts writing things on a book while glancing at the machine on my left. He then comes near me. "You should rest well now," he said, then left the room. That damn black man! I'm gonna find him and kill him when I wake up.

Kirishima's P.O.V

I was having fun with my friends Kaminari and Mina, as we walked around. I noticed a strange guy walking to the back of the abandoned house, but I don't really pay attention to it. I keep talking with my friends about a popular video game called 'Fortnite', but every moment I keep glancing at the house subconsciously and worry about him. Why would someone go alone there?

I finally decided to go there with Kaminari and Mina, just to check on him. What if he's in danger?

And how lucky it was that I found him fighting an adult that looked creepy. He seemed skilled at fighting, and it looked cool and manly. I smiled, and kept watching him with the two of my friends. They where asking each other if they should call the police, but I told them not to, unless something bad happens.

And then suddenly, he got a strong hit on his chest that made me cringe. The boy dropped, looking at the man, and shaking. Oh no oh no oh no oh no!!!!

Mina instantly called the police while I rushed with Kaminari to help the boy, after all we are from a fighting school so we weren't that afraid. The man vanished into no where, and I reached for the boy, shaking him violently. "Hey!! Do you hear me??!! Are you alright??!!" I shouted to him, but he didn't give any response. He looked unconscious. The boy had blood dripping from his mouth and his side was seriously injured. "The police and ambulance are coming! I told Midoriya too!" Mina informed while some kids circuiled around us. I placed my head on the boy's chest, checking his breath. He wasn't breathing, so I panicked and gave him a CPR with my mouth instantly, and his lips were soft.

To be continued..

1389 words.

I know it's crappy, okay?

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