Light in his Eyes 2

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I was back now in my apartment, being fully healed. I wanted to murder that bastard that tried killing me, but I hadn't seen his fucking face.

My phone rang as I stuffed my mouth with chips. "Hello," he answered. "Hi! Heard you got attacked by a mysterious man. Are you alright?" His boss, Anette, asked. I hummed as an answer and put more chips in his mouth. "Good. You have another task to do," she informed. "What is it this time?" I was bored of simple people to kill. I wanted someone hard to have hard time trying to murder. "It's a student from U.A high," she said. Isn't it that the high school that teaches the strongest types of fighting styles in order to fight shitty criminals? I didn't realize that I asked this question out loud untill the woman answered. "Yeah it is. And the person you're going to murder is quite strong, so you have to attend that school as a transfer and I will be working on it, so just sit down and train a little, I'll tell you who it is after some time," She said, as he heard flips of paper in the background of the call. "Roger."

After two days, i finally walked through the door of my new class with my head raised up slightly and confidently. "This is the new transfer student. Introduce yourself," the weird teacher said. He had bloodshot eyes and messy black hair. I wonder if he sleeps well, or if it's just his normal look.

"Name's Bakugou Katsuki. Hope we get along," I bowed a little and the teacher pointed out a seat for me near the window. Like hell I'd ever get along with anyone.


Ever since my boss, Mimi, adopted me, 11 years ago, I was home schooled by some genius teachers. Although I was forbidden in having any kind of relationships with any human outside the grand mansion I lived in, I still went outside to the kids playground. I met an amazing kid that socialized well with others. He had black straight hair that rested above his shoulder, and scarlet red sparkling eyes. He looked so happy as he ran around, shooting smiles to all the world around.

I wanted to be his friend. I wanted to play. But no, I had to stay in the darkness that surrounded me ever since my parents were tortured in front of my mere eyes. They were killed. Blood filled the ground under me, and some was splashed on me. There screams and cries still ringing in my ears, and-

"Hey kid! Come play with us!!" A soft and cheerful voice called for me, and I realized he had put a hand on my shoulder. "O-ok," I stuttered nervously. It had been a while since I played with someone and had that much fun.

//End of Flashback//

I scanned the students as they left for lunch time, spotting one of them in the corner of my eyes approaching me. "Hey! Do you remember me!?" He asked as he stopped in front of me. "No," I answered, in my usual bored tone. He gasped then called for his friends to come. I was left confused looking at them. "It's that talented boy! Do you remember?!" He asked his friends. "Oh my God! It's you!" A boy with blond hair and a black stripe uttered. "You were cool! We actually defeated that guy when you passed out, and Kirishima saved you. You know, you was about to die," a purple girl that looks like an alien said. "Thanks," I muttered. They all flashed me a smile. "My name's Ashido Mina, call me Mina. And this is Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, and Kirishima Eijiro. Wanna join our squad?" The alien, I mean Mina, asked as she bounced excitedly in her place. "Whatever," I answered. They all hugged me and left me stunned, then said that we all are going to be best friends.

It was the first time in my life that I got that much friends. They where all friendly and such, while I looked more like an intruder. I was now walking around with Kirishima who volunteered to show me around the school. My mind was full of thoughts, some blurry memories, as we walked to the arena where challenges and fights were held. Whenever I glanced at the boy beside me, I saw a warm smile plastered on his face. Something inside me churned and I looked at anything except him. "Do I know you before?" The question slipped from my mouth without me thinking. "Well? Do you think so?" He asked calmly. I looked back at him and realized that his smile is a pained one. Our eyes locked.

His eyes are the same. Scarlet red, with that same small scar above his left eye. The sparkle died a little, but he still glowed the same as before. This boy is the one who saved me two times, and yet I didn't remember nor realize. I wonder how he's feeling now. Probably he's sad.

"It's you," I mumbled. "Took you long to realize," he chuckled softly. "Hey I'm sorry, okay? I was supposed to thank you but I for-" he covered my mouth with his hand, and smiled again with that same painful smile. "It's ok," I could see some tears forming in his eyes. I wonder why he's crying. He turned around and ran away...

"Hey it's me, Mimi. The person you're going to eliminate is called

Kirishima Eijiro.."

Everything was turning black slowly. The phone fell from my hand and I fell to my knees after a second. My heart was pounding so fast in my chest, I was sweating like crazy, I didn't want to kill him. He had something in his eyes that made me feel weird. He had light in his eyes...

985 words
To be continued...

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