♪~★•{Your Voice}•★~♪

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★Au: Idol Bakugou!/College Au
★Ship: Kirishima Eijiro x Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Kirishima is a college student who happens to stumble upon a good looking guy who's lost.
*No Quirks*

3152 words

"Dude! Did you hear about the Star Foxes? They're having a concrete tomorrow in our college!!" Kaminari blurted as he plopped on the comfy beige chair in the café. "Bro. I don't know them," Kirishima stated as he flipped the page of his history book. "Told ya I have so many tests running on this week, so I don't have much time to go there too," he exclaimed, writing some notes on the pink sticky note and taking a sip from his white mocha drink. Kaminari pouted and crossed his arms, letting out a huff. "Seriously? Ya know these tests are for after a month, so no need to rush," he reasoned. "Well, I am so stupid and need to take my time in studying. This is why I start before some time."

"Kiri, you need to take a break."

Knowing that Kaminari won't give in easily, he finally agreed to attend that stupid concrete that Kaminari seemed so into it. He doesn't even know this band, but he'll give it a try.

After an hour of studying and ordering two more drinks, Kirishima left the shop and walked back to his near appartement. Walking slowly as the sun started to set down, he bumped into someone shorter than him, but not that short.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright? Oh man I should have -" Kirishima tried apologizing but the guy cut him off with a frown. "'S alright," the guy said with a shrug. The man had ash blond spiky hair that seemed to stick in every direction, though it looked fluffy. His piercing narrow eyes were fiery red, a hot crimson shade, to be exact. His skin was pale and flawless, with a faint pink flush painted on the tip of his nose and under his eyes. His smudged eyeliner didn't ruin his looks though. He had a grey backpack on his back.

"You look troubled," Kirishima pointed out, seeing how the guy fidgeted uncomfortably with his jacket, looking at a folded map in his hands. "Uh.. Can.. Can I ask you were is the nearest train station?" He asked. "Oh! The nearest one here is pretty far. And it's getting dark, ya know. I don't live far from here. Oh and by the way, I'm not a freak, so don't worry. My name is Kirishima Eijiro and I am a college student at U.A College," Kirishima stated as he stuck out his hand. The guy hesitated, as if waiting for Eijiro to realize something. But what was it, Eijiro didn't know. "I'm Katsuki," the guy said. "Bakugou Katsuki."
"Nice to meet ya!" Kirishima chimed with his shining grin, that showed his unique shark-like teeth. Kirishima caught a hint of a smile on the other's face and felt warm inside. He shrugged the feeling off and walked with the Bakugou guy to his apartment, which was a block away.

"So! Tell me about yourself, dude!" Kirishima exclaimed, after giving Bakugou some cozy clothes to borrow, which were an oversized red sweater and baggy grey pants. They sat on the couch after making themselves comfortable, and after Kirishima forced the guy to eat some chocolate cookies. "Uh.. You seriously don't know who I am?" Bakugou furrowed his brows and hugged his legs to his chest, rocking himself back and forth. "No? Why?" Kirishima was so oblivious that he didn't have any idea that the person he was with is the most famous idol in the country, or in other words, in the entire world. "..Nothing," he finally gave up. This idiot is surely so dumb, he noted. "I'm 20 years old, from Tokyo. I like singing," he pointed out. "And I like playing the guitar."

"Oh dude! I'm 20 too!" He paused for a second. "Wait, you know how to play the guitar?" The red-headed boy asked curiously. "Yeah," Bakugou said. "Cool! I have a guitar that I don't know how to play in my room!" He exclaimed, then ran out of the room to bring it.

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