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I spent the rest of my week off sending out resumes and trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life.

Did I have what it took to keep a baby?
Who was going to help me?

I knew for sure I needed to tell my family, and sooner the better. I also knew that I would not be able to tell anyone who the father is. And the more I thought about it I wasn't going to tell him either.

The Sunday before I went back to work I went to the store and bought a bunch of food so that way I would have snacks for work and healthy choices for lunches. I meal prepped for the next week and once I finished my phone went off.

I walked over to see a text from Caleb: "I am sorry...I think I may have told someone just enough information about you that they may be getting ready to ask you out or something."

I rolled my eyes and put all the lunches in the fridge. Then began making dinner when my Facebook messenger went off. It was someone that I knew slightly but had never talked to by myself.

Curtis: Hey
Me: Hello
Curtis: How is it going?
Me: Pretty good....what's up?
Curtis: Bored...at work...where you live :P
Me: Cool...I'm in the middle of cooking dinner. Then off to bed for work in the morning.

Curtis had messaged me back, but I was too concerned with cooking and making sure nothing burned. Liz got home right as I was finishing cooking dinner and was smiling as she got in.

"It smells good!" Liz exclaimed. She walked into the kitchen to see what I was plating up. I had made chicken alfredo and veggies. I worked on plating up both of us some and set them both on the table. I grabbed Liz a cherry coke and myself a bottle of water.

We ate silently until she cleared her throat.

"Have you told...." she began to ask.

I shook my head no, "I think I have decided I am going to do this. I am going to try at least."

She seemed a little too excited, "So I will be an aunt?"

I nodded my head, "I just have to figure out a new job and telling my family. But I think the job part will be easier."

She nodded and cleared out plates. She began to run water in the sink to do the dishes while I put away leftovers. Once done I finally looked at my phone to see what Curtis had said.

Curtis: Lucky...I have to wait till after work to eat. What did you make?
Me: Chicken Alfredo with veggies
Curtis: Sounds good. I'm bored.
Me: I'm getting ready to shower and then go to bed. Sad my week off is over...
Curtis: Oh. Okay. Have fun.

I went into my room, plugged in my phone and grabbed what I needed for a shower.

Liz walked out of the bathroom in PJs while I was walking out of my room.

"I was going to watch some Disney movies if you wanna join me after your shower."

I shook my head, "I gotta get to bed. I'm exhausted. Plus work in the morning."

She said okay as I walked into the bathroom.

Monday morning arrived far to fast for my liking. I woke up early, and made myself presentable for work. I sent out a few more resumes before leaving for work.

Once at work I saw my dad for the first time in over a week. We chit-chatted before the clock hit eight and at 8:05 Caleb walked into the office and I said later to my dad and went into the hallway to start heading upstairs. The door opened behind me and I heard a weak 'hey'.

I turned back to see Caleb walking towards me.

"Dude, I don't have time for this,"I began.

"Lunch then?" he asked softly.

I shrugged, "Maybe."

I walked away before he could try to talk to me any more. I heard him sigh angerly and then walk away as well.

Closer to lunchtime I was in an apartment cleaning it when Caleb walked in. I was in the bathroom so I didn't know that he had come in to start working on the little bit of work that needed to be done. While cleaning the tub the cleaner began to make me nauseous. I began to feel sick and just as Caleb made his way closer to the bathroom I dropped to the toilet and began to get sick.

"Amie?" Caleb asked standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

I flushed the toilet after I wiped my mouth with a piece of paper towel. I stood up, poured more toilet cleaner in the toilet.

I turned to see Caleb looking concerned, "Amie...are you feeling okay?"

I nodded, "I'm fine. Must have been my breakfast this morning."

He looked as if he didn't believe me, but he took my answer, "So can we talk? Lunch?"

I shook my head, "I have to finish this before I take lunch. What are you doing in here anyway?"

"Final touches. Needed to wait for it to be cleaned before I did my final walk through."

Caleb smirked, man I hate his smirk now. I shook my head and finished the bathroom, and then did my final check to make sure everything was clean.

Once I was back at the shop I told my boss I was going to take off lunch, Caleb saw me leaving towards my place and followed me.

"Let go get something. I will pay."

I shook my head, "I meal prepped yesterday for this week, so I am just going home."

I walked a little faster so that way I could have time to enjoy the food. Caleb continued to follow me.

"Amie. We need to talk!" He began, "What the heck is your problem?"

I kept walking into my building and up to my apartment, and of course, Caleb followed. When I got to my door and started to unlock it Caleb put his hand on my shoulder.

"Amie, come on....talk to me."

I sighed, "Why? Why don't you leave me alone and worry about your own life and your new girlfriend? I don't need you bugging me. I have too much going on. Caleb....I'm losing my job. I need to worry about that. Not you right now."

Caleb looked shocked. I unlocked my door and walked in. He stood in the doorway. I stepped back to allow him in.

He sat at the table still looking shocked, "Losing your job? Why?"

I pulled out my food from my fridge and put it in the microwave. I tried to figure out how to answer as it warmed up. The microwave beeps and I pulled the food out and grabbed a fork.

"I got told the Friday before my vacation...they are getting rid of all the cleaners in this area. This is just such a bad time. I have leads for new jobs, but nothing seems like I will be able to keep my apartment."

I started to eat, Caleb sat there in disbelief. I ate some food and then decided to change the subject, "Why would you tell Curtis about me? He keeps messaging me. He keeps asking to hang out."

Caleb smirked, "He asked about you. I told him. I'm sorry?"

I finished eating and looked at the time. Thirty minutes left. I checked my social media pages. Caleb stared at me, "Why were you sick earlier?"

I sighed, "I'm stressed...trying to find a job and such. Just don't worry about it. You have a new girlfriend, and you just need to focus on that. And finishing school. This is my problem. Not yours."

I said those last words knowing fully that I should be telling him that he was going to be a father, but I didn't want to ruin his life. Not like mine was being ruined.

I looked at my clock to see what time it was and decided that it was time to head back to the shop. "Come on. Let's go."

I reached into the fridge and grabbed him a couple of sandwiches and threw them at him, "Eat on the walk back."

He thanked me and walked out as I locked the door. I walked back to the shop and prepared myself for the rest of the day.

My Best Friend's BabyWhere stories live. Discover now