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For a couple of weeks, I dealt with trying to find a new job and started talking to Curtis.  If anything he would be a good friend.  It was getting closer to Thanksgiving and I realized that I was almost 7 weeks pregnant and would soon schedule my first ultrasound.  I was nervous.  The puking and sleeping any possible chance wasn't making this real enough.  But seeing this little being would make it way more real.  Caleb kept talking to me and trying to figure out why I wasn't giving Curtis a real chance, and I couldn't tell him why.  At work the Wednesday before Thanksgiving he basically cornered me in a vacant unit.

"Ames, you know Curtis wants to ask you out...but he hasn't because you seem to be blowing him off."

I sighed, "I just have a lot going on right now.  I have an interview at the end of the day, and I just haven't been sleeping well."

I looked over my shoulder to see him standing with his arms crossed, "That is a lie.  Your roommate told me I needed to talk to you about whatever is going on.  I tried really hard to get her to tell me.  Of course, she wouldn't because girl code or whatever the case may be."

I stood up and grabbed my supplies to clean the stove. I turned back towards him, "The reason I won't tell you is that it is none of your business! If it really truly concerned you then I would tell you! What haven't you understood about that?  You have been bugging me for weeks!  Caleb...weeks! Why can't you just leave me alone about this?"

He frowned at me, "No reason to be a bitch about it...I was just trying to be a friend."

"I don't want you as a friend anymore," I stated coldly. I turned away from him and began to spray oven cleaner in the oven.  Within seconds I began to get lightheaded. I took four steps back and steadied myself against a wall.  Caleb watching me intensely, "You can stop worrying...I am fine...I just...want to be left alone."

With that, I sank down to the floor and put my head between my knees.  I felt Caleb get closer to me and touch my shoulder, "Ames...I still care about you.  I have always cared about you...since I met you that is...it may not concern me, but I won't stop caring." 

I listened as he sighed when I didn't respond and he walked out of the apartment.  I called my boss and let him know I wasn't feeling very well and he told me to go ahead and leave.  I set my stuff to the side and left to my place to change and get ready for my interview. 


Two hours later I was sitting in my truck getting ready to go in for my interview.  Curtis messaged me on Facebook.

Curtis: Hey!  Why aren't you at work?
Me: I left early...told my supervisor I wasn't feeling well, but I also have an interview...I am early by 15 minutes and pretty nervous.
Curtis: Don't be nervous! You'll do great.  If you're feeling better after you should hang out with me for my birthday.
Me: Is it your birthday?
Curtis: Yep turned 25 today.  I have booze.
Me: I'm not old enough to drink lol
Curtis: I won't tell if you don't ;P
Me: Idk...I haven't been feeling good.  Probably best if I don't drink anything.  Plus I have to be up early tomorrow to get myself together and get my bro from my parents so we can go down to my family Thanksgiving...we haven't been in years. But I should head into my interview.  Bye.
Curtis: Oh okay...bye.

An hour an and half later I was walking out with a job offer.  They told me that I could take my time making a choice, but they would like to know by December 1st so if I did my two-week notice I'd be starting mid-December.  I already knew that I was going to be taking the job because they were offering me more money than I was currently making, but I wanted them to wait so I could let my parents know.  I also had informed them that I had just found out that I am pregnant and they said they could work around that. 

I went home and Liz was waiting for me. 

"How was the interview?"

I smiled, "Good! They offered me the job. $13 an hour. They want an answer by the first.  Also, I told them about the baby and they told me they could work around it.  I think I need to type up my letter of 'Hey my last day is gonna be this date' and send it in on Friday."

She smiled and nodded in agreement. We chatted for a bit longer until there was a knock on our front door. Liz got up and answered it. I heard her sigh at whoever was at the door.

"What do you want? I know Amy doesn't wanna see you, so why are you here?"
"I have a job lead for her...figured I could tell her about it in person..." Caleb's voice was loud and slightly annoyed.
"She already has one. No need to tell her about anything else."
"Liz..." he got quiet, "Please tell me what is going on with her. She won't talk to me. I know she has been sick and keep saying that she is stressed, but I also know she hates this company...I find it hard to believe she is upset she is getting a new job."
Liz looked back at me and then back to him, "If she wanted you to know she would tell you. It isn't my information to share."
She told him goodbye and watched for him to leave. Once he was gone she closed the door and looked at me, "I know it's your life, but consider telling him. He has a right to know."
I shook my head, "No. I don't want to ruin his relationship. I can't lie anymore...I love him more than I want to...I cannot tell him and have him fake caring about me in that way because of a baby."
I thought for a moment, "Plus maybe I just need to give someone else a chance...maybe Curtis would like me still...even though I'm pregnant with Caleb's baby."


Thanksgiving was hard for me, but I told my brother on the drive down. We were about half an hour from our family's house when I turned down the music.

"I need to tell you something, but I don't want mom and dad to know yet..." I began, "I...I am pregnant...and before you ask I do know who the dad is. I haven't told him. Just you and Liz."
He nodded, "Whatever you choose I am here for you."
He touched my arm and we finished the drive in silence.

The rest of the day was uneventful. We had food with our family and left early. I went over to friend's after that, and then I decided to give Curtis a chance and hung out with him. I ended up falling asleep while we hung out and he let me stay the night. When I woke up the next morning I realized that he wasn't such a bad guy, but still wondered if he would still be interested once he found out my secret.

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