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Me: Wow, look at that lonely guy over there?

Friend: Who? The one reading at the table on his own?

Me: No, the guy in the group, the one driving the conversation.

Friend: How is he lonelier than the guy sitting alone!?

Me: The guy reading is alone, yes, but he isn't lonely. Look at him, he is confident, look at how he listens.

Friend: Ok, but what about the other "lonely" guy?

Me: He is the one driving the conversation because he wants the attention. Watch now, when someone walks past.

Group of guys: *Trips someone as they pass* Watch where you're going, you stood on my foot.

Random guy: You tripped me!

Group of guys, guy 1: No, you walked into me. *All snicker*

Friend: Wow, such annoyances.

Me: Not just annoyances,  but lonely as well.

Friend: But they are in a group. 

Me: You know the saying "Just because you're alone, does not mean you are lonely", that is the kid who is alone at the table. He is happy. The guy in the group though, look how out of place he looks, it almost looks like he wants to apologise.

Friend: I still don't see it, it must be an introvert thing.

Me: Maybe it is.

Hey guys, this is based on truths that I come across every day, and every person in this story is real, and has a name. (Yes, an introvert can have an Extroverted friend, I highly recommend it, actually). It turns out that this book is becoming something now. I even have another poem in the works.

Cya again soon.

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