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What if I told you there was a way.

A way to do anything you wanted,
To be able to be anything you wanted.

But what if I told you there was no way for that?
Would you fight against it?

What if I told you that everything you believed in was fake?
Would you believe me?

Of course not, because you know better than that.
You know the truth. You know the lies that are told for the greater good.
The false truths we speak for the sake of those we love.

But now what if I told you that everything I told you was a truth?
What if every word that left my mouth wasn't just comforting, but a truth.

Books, my dear friend, books are the way.
The way to be who ever you want to be.
The way to be what ever you want to be.
The way to be anywhere you want to be.

If you ever feel like you need an escape,
Look no further than books.

Hey all, CW here, this was kinda just something I threw together while in English class. We had been discussing the importance of reading. Anyway, just a random "poem" to add to the collection. Until next time, cheers!

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