Meeting your brother

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Hayley's PoV

I'm currently sitting in back of the car next to Scarlett while Robin drives us home.

I get my phone out and go down to Hannah's contact. I call her number and after a few rings she answers.

"Hey Hayley how are you doing?" She asked me.

"I'm good. We are on our way home with our daughter. Make sure you and Elliott are ready to meet her" I said looking at Scarlett.

"Aww congratulations. I will get him ready to meet her now. I will see you in a bit" she said.

"Thanks see you in a bit bye" I said hanging up.

"Who was that?" Robin asked.

"Just called Hannah to get Elliott ready to meet his sister" I said

"Ok well we are almost home now" she said pulling onto our estate.

We drove up to our gates and they opened after a couple of seconds and we continued to drive down our driveway up to the house.

When we stopped me and Robin got out the car. I grabbed our bags while Robin grabbed the car seat.

We walked to the door and let ourselves in.

"Mommy" I heard Elliott yell and he ran up to Robin but stopped when he saw the car seat in her hand.

"Who that?" He asked looking at both me and Robin.

"That is your little sister Scarlett" I said taking Elliott's hand and leading him to the couch.

"Do you want to hold her?" I asked him.

"No mamma!" He said and ran off.

He will eventually. I know him. I turned to Hannah. "Do you want to hold her as your gonna be looking after her one day" I asked.

"I would love to" she said sitting on the couch.

I walked back over to Robin and took the car seat from her.

I placed it on the floor and ever so gently took her out. I placed her in Hannah's arms and god did she look so peaceful.

"Anyone want a drink?" Robin asked.

"I will have some water" I said.


"I'm good but thanks for the offer" she replied still looking at Scarlett.

She then turned to look at me. "She is beautiful Hayley" she said smiling.

"Yeah she is but god was that a difficult birth. I didn't know if we would even make it to the hospital" I said starting to laugh a little starting to see the humour in it.

"Well at least she is here now and is healthy" she said handing her back over to me.

"Anyway I better be going, I will see you when you next need me" She said gathering her stuff and walked out the door.

"Mamma? Can I hold baby?" Elliott asked me.

"Of course you can. Come sit next to me" I said moving over a little so he could sit down.

True love (sequel to difficult love) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now