Family holiday

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Hayley's PoV

Today is the day. We have been in Hawaii now for three days and we are nearing the middle of the holiday.

Elliott and Scarlett are having the time of their lives. Although she won't remember any of it as she is still too little.

Today we don't have a lot planned so we are just going to spend the day at the beach and later Hannah is gonna look after the kids. Yes we brought Hannah with us as me and Robin want some alone time and cause we are not far she can look after Scarlett too.

We are currently all getting our stuff ready for the beach. Robin is sorting out food and stuff for the beach and I'm trying to get the kids ready.

I got Elliott changed into his swim trunks and then put sunscreen on him. Honestly I hate putting it on the kids cause all they do is fuss. Even Scarlett and she is 4 months old.

Once he was done he went to 'help' Robin with everything.

I then went to mine and Robin's room to go get Scarlett. She was having a nap but she has since woken up. I picked her up and got her changed from a normal nappy to one of those swim ones. I then got her into a little bathing suit and put sunscreen on her which she did not like one little bit.

Once she was sorted I quickly got changed into some swim stuff and then sorted out Scarlett's change bag so it was suitable for the beach.

I then picked up the bag and Scarlett and went downstairs.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah just need to get the food bag from out the fridge" Robin said to me sorting out the rest of the stuff. I gave Elliott his stuff to carry down to the beach and then I went to the fridge to get the food.

"Ok I think we have everything" I said to Robin.

"Ok cool. If we have forgotten something then we can always walk back up here and get it" she said to me picking up the stuff to take to the beach.

I grabbed Scarlett's stuff and looked around making sure we had picked up everything. We then left the little cabin and headed down to the beach.

Elliott of course ran off but I couldn't really run after him as I had bags in one hand and Scarlett in the other.

"Elliott stop running off!" I yelled.

"Don't worry he will be fine" Robin said to me.

"You better be right baby" I said to her.

We found a little area to sit which was near the sea but not so close that we would have to move straight away when the sea came in.

Robin laid down a big blanket and put the umbrella up. I placed Scarlett down under the umbrella so she was out of the sun. Elliott had dumped his stuff with us and started building sandcastles which I found cute.

I put on some tanning lotion that also acted as sunscreen which was good and laid my towel down next to the blanket so I was in the sun and Robin came and laid down next to me.

I shut my eyes for about 10 minutes enjoying the peace and quiet. I looked over at Robin who was enjoying the sun and then I looked over to Scarlett.

Where is she?

Scarlett wasn't there. I sat up and looked over at Robin to check that she didn't have her. I then looked around the beach to see Elliott had gone as well.

"No no no" I said starting to panic.

The beach was deserted. I got up leaving Robin behind forgetting to tell her that the kids have gone wandering.

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