She's gone

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Hayley's PoV

That surprise meeting was horrible. I got a message from my booking agent saying that there was going to be a meeting in half an hour and that I had to attend. I think they forgot I had a baby now and that it is almost impossible to get anywhere on time.

Well I managed to get there with like a minute to spare but it was worth it. I found out there is going to be a second series to the Netflix show I'm in which is great news.

I looked at the clock and it was now 17:45. I've been trying to contact Robin but she isn't answering her calls or texts which is a bit strange. Maybe she is just busy or away from her phone.

Tonight I was planning to cook for Robin as I haven't been able to. It feels like forever although now it might be too late. I will see what she wants to do when I get in. I also have a little surprise for Elliott. I bought him front row tickets to this paw patrol live event. He is going to love it.

I pulled up to the house to see Robin's car gone.

Huh that's strange I didn't think she would have gone out. She is normally at home at this time.

I parked the car and got Scarlett out.

"Come on sweetie let's go and see where mommy is. Maybe she has left us a note. I placed the car seat down and took Scarlett out and placed her in her bouncer.

"Robin?" I shouted "you home?"


I then noticed the box on the table. "What is that?" I asked myself.

I walked over to the table and looked into the box. My smile immediately dropped from my face.

I picked up the letter and read it. "Wait I didn't write that. I haven't found anyone else. Has Robin seen this!"

I then saw the photos. "These aren't real. I don't even know half the people in these photos" I didn't even want to look at the diary but I took it out anyway. "It isn't even my writing. My writing doesn't even look like that"

I started crying but I hadn't seen the worse.

"She saw it" I said picking up the engagement ring I gave to her in Hawaii.

"How did this even happen? I don't understand. Security they must have seen" I quickly got up and ran to my security.

"Did you see the person who dropped off a package today" I asked desperately.

"Not really but she didn't sound like a young fan" he said to me.

Then I remembered what my mum said. That I would regret kicking her out of my life and now she has ruined my life by taking the one thing I cared about. I've lost my son and the love of my life.

I quickly ran back to the house and grabbed my phone and called Robin.

"Come on pick up, pick up, pick up" I said while the phone was ringing but it just went to voicemail.

"I've lost her" I said to myself as I crouched down on the floor crying.

It's almost been a week since Robin left. I still can't get hold of her. I've sent text after text trying to explain what had happened but she isn't even reading them.

My life is fucking miserable and trying to raise Scarlett on my own is hard. I don't get a moment to myself. I want to just drink my pain away but I can't because I'm breastfeeding so I'm having to deal with the pain on my own.

I haven't really left my room either. I only leave when I have too. I have even got to the point where I was messaging her social media. Still got no where.

I eventfully just gave up because it wasn't making me feel any better. It was just reminding me of what I've lost and what I'm never going to get back.

I decided I would spend the day downstairs. I mean that fucking letter said I've broken up with her. I'm never gonna move on. I have to fight to get her back which I doubt she will want after everything.

I brought Scarlett down and placed her on the couch. I then went and grabbed some ice cream and put on some horror films. This is going to be another day wasted doing nothing but being upset.

All of sudden I heard a loud knock on the door.

Who the fuck is that?

I put the ice cream on the side, paused the film and picked up Scarlett. I then walked over to the door. I hesitated but I answered it.

"Robin?" I asked not really sure if it was her I was seeing or not.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"It wasn't me" I said hoping she would know what I was talking about.

"I know" was her only response. She didn't even look up.

"What do you mean you know?" I asked confused. "Why did you leave me for then?"

"Hayley can we sit down and talk?" She asked.

"Yeah come in" I said opening the door wider. "Elliott go up to your room so mommy and I can talk" I said to him as he followed Robin through the door.

"Hayley at first I believed everything. I thought the letter and the photos were real and when you left that morning for that surprise meeting I thought it was an excuse to get out the house before the box showed up. It wasn't until a few days after did things start to click in my head. I mean you barely go out and you said days before that you loved me and you wouldn't ever let me go. When you wouldn't stop calling I thought it was weird cause you called it off with me but then I remembered your mum. What she had been trying to do. Hayley I'm so sorry" she said to me.

We were both on the verge of crying. "Robin I'm sorry too. I'm not ever gonna let you go again and I'm not going to let my mum ruin it for us" I said pulling her into a huge hug.

I then got up and picked something off the side. "Robin do you still want to be my wife?" I asked showing the ring to her.

"Of course Hayley. I never want to be apart from you again. I love you Hayley"

"I love you too Robin" I said putting her ring back on her finger where it belonged.

Authors note:

Twice in one day you guys. Hoped you liked it.

Let me know what you think

Georgia ❤️x

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