Chapter 18: The return of Calum

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I'm so sorry it took so long but here is my newest chapter I hope you like it!! If you do please let me know by voting or/and post a comment!! It means so much to me!!! Lots of Love <3 <3 ♪♫♪ <3 <3

Laura Pov:

"You guys are the best" I said while I let them go. It felt so right. Finally It was like a found my place...

I had teared up, I couldn't believe Raini and Ross wanted to help me over come my geek self. I always wanted to have that kind of friends. Don't get my wrong I loved my friends back at my last home, it's just that they were just like me a little geeky you know and now I had friends who were cool. Not popular (anymore), but they were so cool and nice. I didn't know that was even possible. I was them so thank full for showing me a different world.

OMG I have to stop thinking like this or I cry and believe me that would be so uncool. So I focused the subject on something else. 

"So what was you're great news Raini?" I asked and I looked away for a sec and swept away the tears. Then I looked at her again. Ross was also looking, but he had a strange look on his face. What was wrong with him? Maybe he didn't felt alright, I was going to ask him when Raini left, or when she told the great news.

"okay so..." Raini said with a dramatic silence. Ross and I looked inquisitive. We both wanted to know what her great news was. I always loved good news, and this was great news which was even GREATER!!

 Okay If I wanted to be cool I need to stop with those Laura humor, which is so unfunny that its kinda funny...

"Calum is going to be back tomorrow!! Great right?!!!' she said excited while she was jumping up and down. It was just impossible not to smile. I was happy Raini was happy so I gave her an excited hug and said: "yay, I can't wait to meet him!!"

"I KNOW RIGHT HE IS SO GONNA LIKE YOU, WE FOUR ARE GONNA BE TOTAL BESTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Raini yelled so loud that I had the feeling I couldn't hear no longer with my left ear. Raini hugged us and jumped again. It was so clearly she and Calum were really the best friends. Raini was great so I had a great feeling 'bout Calum.

I looked to my right and saw Ross was not so happy about the news. It was like he was afraid or something. I couldn't describe that weird look on his face.

Oh no, what if he told what was wrong before Raini came and I just didn't hear it cause I was fighting... with myself... Suddenly I felt guilty. I was a bad friend. I am a bad friend.

Ross Pov:

In my eye corner I saw Laura looking at me worried. I turned my head so I couldn't see her anymore and she couldn't see the look on my face. I told her everything but she didn't understand. Was it really that hard to understand I was torned because of Calum I mean I was not -

"TOMORROW, HE SAID TOMORROW!!! YOU CAN'T BELIEVE HOW EXCITED I AM!!! I JUST MISSED HIM SO BADLY!!!!!!" Raini yelled so so loud. Damn, that girl could yell!!!!

"I think we know" Laura said serious and giggled. Could she just stop being adorable for a while. Laura was so cool but I was still wondering why she didn't want me. I thought we had something very special. Even though I was still thinking of my situation with Calum a part of my brain was always thinking of Laura and a really little part of that little room was thinking of Laura and I could be friends after what happened. I ignored that part most of the time but still it made me feel a little weird. What if she introduce me to her boyfriend. Even now it hurt me she was taken and I didn't even knew that guy. I couldn't see them being a couple but the fact that one day I would see them together killed me inside.

But Laura was not the biggest problem right now. No, the problem was Calum and our history. 

-The next day at school-

Me, Laura and Raini were standing in the hallway. Raini had told Calum to come to her lockers and we were waiting there right now.

"I just can't believe my boy- I mean best friend is going to be back today!!" Laura and I looked at each other. Even though Raini wouldn't say it it was clearly somewhere deep inside of her she still liked Calum as more than just a friend.

"You told me so much about him and when I heard all that I really agree that he is pretty cool" Laura said smiling. What if she and her boyfriend broke up and instead of falling for me she would fall in love with Calum how would that be.

I imagined me the whole scene in my head. Calum and Laura walking up to me, her hand in his.

Calum would open up his mouth and say: I'm sorry dude, we just fell in love. this must be hard for you, Laura told me you were in love with her. But hey, You also dated the girl I used to like so now we are on the same page.

Laura smiled at Calum and looked at me: Hey I hope we can be friends. I mean, you hope that you can be friends with me. I have noticed you still like me after all that time. That's just so sweet, but I'm sorry Ross after all you history I don't even want to be friends with you. I just hope you will find a girl that is the same level as you are. The "I'm to cool to be friends with you" kind.

I woke up by Laura shaking me. She touching me was the best feeling in the world and made all my bad thoughts disappear. "What were you thinking?" she said with her intense eyes. I just shook my head and said: "nothing" I tried to smile but someway I couldn't.

 After like ten minutes was the hallway full of students. But Calum wasn't here yet. I was really nervous. Would he know that he was going to meet me?

"Raini, did you told him we were here too?" I asked a little frightened but I tried to hide it.

"Yes" she said not knowing why it was important to me. I started to panic. But maybe it was for the best. I was going to ask how he reacted when she corrected herself. "Actually I just said that I had two new friends who were excited to meet him"

I didn't calm down by hearing this. Now he thought when he saw me that I was excited to be seeing him which was not really true. He was sure he didn't forget Jess Hale... The girl he had a crush on since forever and I dated for almost a year. After we had a fight I asked her out. Of course she said yes, I mean I was kinda popular, I asked her in the hallway and I made sure Calum was there. I saw the shock on his face. He was so hurt that moment that even though I was mad at him I felt so bad. It was like he was going to cry. Even though I really didn't like Jess I went on a date with her. I just wanted to have on date with her to hurt Calum a little was ruined by Jess herself. The day after the date she said to everyone we were together. I knew that when I would broke up with her she would ruin everything I built up that year so I just played along like I really liked her. Jess was the same as Kayla. Soon I realized everything I did wasn't right, it was wrong so wrong. I tried to make up with Calum but he didn't want to talk with me. And that was officially the end of our friendship.

Then it was like time stood still. A tall, ginger haired boy was making a way to us and one look was enough to see that that boy was my fomaly best friend...

It was like he didn't reconize me when he hugged Raini. But soon he turned around to meet me and Laura. Raini as enthusiast as always said with a huge smile - she was clearly insane happy that Calum was back - "this is Laura she is new here" Calum looked at Laura and made a small bow and kissed her hand. Instead of shaking it like most people do when you met someone new. But Calum wasn't like the most people. And then it happened, the moment he would realize I was the new friend of Raini. Raini said - not realizing Calum already recognized me - "And this is Ross, Laura's friend." I looked at him a second and looked at the ground.

"Yeah, I kinda know Ross" Calum said with a high pitch. "Oh yeah, Ross mentioned that you guys had hang out when you were little" Raini and Laura were looking at us.

I looked up Calum was standing there looking at me with a frown. I didn't know how to react to that. My mouth was dry and my head couldn't come up with something you could say in a situation like this. We had a lot to talk about privatly... At least if he wanted to talk with me.

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