Chapter 2

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Katie's POV: The next morning, after we woke up, we all made our beds and threw sweatshirts on over our PJs, then went to breakfast. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. How Zayn came on the stage in his varsity jacket. And you could see his new microphone tattoo beating along with the pulse in his wrist. How Niall came on the stage in his red polo. And his gorgeous blond hair was all over the place. How Louis came on stage in his black and white, striped shirt and red pants. And his suspenders hung down by his legs. How Harry came on stage in his navy blue blazer. And his gorgeous, brown, curly hair just overwhelmed everyone. How Liam came on stage in his plaid button-up. And you could see the sweetness in his eyes and in his smile and in his body movements. I just couldn't stop thinking about it. That is, until Amber, Liz, Rachel, Emily, and I were seated in the dining hall eating our breakfast and guess who walked by. Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and Louis. They each smiled at us, but Liam seemed to look right at me *fangirl moment,* and when he smiled, his brown eyes sparkled under the light, and I just couldn't help but let out a huge sigh right after they passed.

"Did you see that?!" Rachel exclaimed, "He looked right at you!"

I couldn't say anything. I just smiled wider than I've smiled since I got tickets to their concert at the IZOD Center.

Liam's POV: As we were getting our breakfast, I couldn't help but think about last night. Looking out at all those campers whose dream was to be doing exactly what I get to do everyday, I couldn't help but think about how lucky I am. This didn't have to happen to me; it could have happened to any one of these kids here at this camp. What if I had gone to run at the Olympics? What if I hadn't listened to Simon when he told me to come back after two years? I wouldn't be living my dream, and I wouldn't have met my four brothers.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the boys and I were walking back to our table and we passed a table of beautiful girls. They looked like they might be a couple years younger than us; maybe fifteen? We all smiled at them, but one of them stood out to me. She had straight, red hair that flowed down her back. I think I've heard some girls describe it as mermaid hair? Now that I think about it, her hair was the same color as our friend, Ed Sheeran's. Her blue eyes shown like the calm sea in the moonlight. They were just so beautiful. I smiled right at her and quickly walked away with the boys.

"Liiiaaam, who was that?" Niall questioned me in a sing-song voice.

"Um, I don't know. She just caught my eye."

"Well go talk to her!" Louis urged.

"I'll just wait 'til our one-on-one," even though it's actually all five of us working with each person,  so I added, "Will you guys give me a minute alone with her that day?"

"Of course!" Harry sceamed. I think he was a little excited.

We were going to start with the oldest campers and go down to the youngest, so hopefully, I'll get to know her by the beginning of the summer!

Katie's POV: Jessie told us that for the one-on-one lessons, the boys were starting with the oldest campers and working their way down to the youngest. Good thing I'm fifteen and the oldest campers are eighteen! I'll probably get to go in the first week! And maybe I can get to know Liam!


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