Chapter 8

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Dylan's POV

The car ride to NYC consisted of us singing along to the music on the radio and me zoning out as Leah and Harper started talking about Why Don't We. Once we arrived at the place I texted Zach that we were there and he said to go to the back of the place, they had a booth.

Dy: Zach said they are in the back of the pizza place in a booth.
H: I can't believe we're actually seeing them again.
L: me either
Dy: shut your traps they're normal people that...

Before I could finish they both mimicked me.

H&L: who got their dream to come true we get it.
Dy: damn no need to be rude
H: enough chit chat let's go

When we walked into the pizzeria, Leah and Harper spotted the boys and sat with them. There wasn't enough room so I told the girls I was gonna go on my phone and eat at the counter. I don't tell the girls that I write songs since it's embarrassing. They know I can sing but they don't know I write songs.

Once I sit down and get situated I focused in on a topic. I remembered when I used to have a best friend but than we parted paths. I was left so confused. I focused in on that and started writing lyrics:

We've been sitting around here everyday
Talking about things we know we'll never say

Hey hey

I'll tell u what I'll say
I'll tell u what I'll say

Bring me down once or twice
Not gonna happen anymore

The lyrics aren't that good but it's a start. I was humming a melody I created in my head just when I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned around to find Zach.

Dy: can I help you?
Z: matter of fact, you can
Dy: how so?
Z: well I'm bored and jack is talking to Leah, Jonah and Harper are talking and Daniel and Corbyn are doing something stupid with their phones. That left me out and I'm bored so now I'm here talking to you.
Dy: okay... but I'm busy
Z: doing what
Dy: stuff
Z: what stuff

Zach was peering over my shoulder at my notebook. I didn't want him to find out so I tried to cover it but I failed.

Z: are you writing a song?
Dy: you caught me. Don't tell anyone though I have a lot more written and I don't like anyone knowing.
Z: okay. Can you sing?
Dy: are you the youngest in the band?
Z: last time I checked yes
Dy: There's your answer. Now if excuse me imma walk around enjoying myself.
Z: can I join?
Dy: why would you want to?
Z: as I said before I'm bored
Dy: wow so I'm supposed to be a child entertainer
Z: no I'm 17
Dy: and I'm 16 your point?
Z: I don't know I wanna know you better
Dy: and why is that I'm just a girl who hates makeup, can't stand the color pink, is basically a nerd in school, and is very random. Is that better?
Z: much.
Dy: cool. Well, see ya.
Z: wait!
Dy: yes?
Z: stand still this is a good picture
Dy: excuse me?
Z: you are in the perfect position and look really pretty right now. I want to take a picture and show you.
Dy: that's weird... fine, but I'm not pretty.
Z: your lying to yourself. Here look.

Zach shows me the pic and it's not as bad as I thought. It's actually one of the best pictures I've ever seen of myself.

Z: can I post this on Instagram?
Dy: why on earth would you do that for?
Z: I want to prove to you that your pretty
Dy: no way!
Z: why not?
Dy: cause I don't want any limelight's bothering me. They stopped bothering me literally this morning. DO NOT give them another reason to find my social media's and corrupt my phone with messages.

Run (Why Don't We fan fic) Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now