Chapter 32

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Dylan's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. I wasn't really tired anymore so I opened my eyes and saw Corbyn's face very close to mine. It scared me so I let out a small scream. He just started laughing at me.

Dy: can I help you?
C: yes
Dy: how so?
C: you never showed me your photos from yesterday and I wanted to see them!
Dy: you couldn't wait until I woke up?
C: I did!
Dy: did not
C: did too

By this time I got out of bed and was getting out a pair of clothing to change into once Corbyn  leaves my room. I'm surprised Ashley didn't wake up from hearing the two of us talk. I headed to the bathroom since Corbyn wasn't leaving and turned around looking at Corbyn who is now sitting on my bed.

Dy: This conversation is not over mister.
C: yeah, yeah.

Once I got changed and exited the bathroom, I went to go find Corbyn. As I told him, the conversation is not over. Yes the boys slept over again. I think they honestly live with us sometimes. I didn't see Corbyn anywhere upstairs so I headed downstairs. He wasn't on that floor so I went to the basement. Your probably thinking well, how can three teen girls afford that big of a house. Leah and I's family has money but not as much as Harpers. And now, with my income from modeling we will be able to add more accessories to the house or pay for it ourselves. But, we can't do that until all of us turn 18. Let's just say we are supposed to have a guardian living with us as but, our parents live five minutes away and Harper will turn 18 in five months. In three I'm turning 17 finally!! Anyways back on track, I didn't see Corbyn in the basement so I looked outside. He was there lying on the grass. There was somebody else lying with him so I decided to just go up to him and sit on top of him.

C: ugh ow Dylan get off!
Dy: I'm comfy why should I?
C: Because your bony butt is digging into my ribs.
Dy: eh, you could man up and deal with it.

I heard laughter next to me and forgot someone else was here. I saw it turned out to actually be Zach. At least we are near each other.

Dy: What's so funny mister Herron?
Z: nothing
Dy: oh really?

I put my feet on top of Zach which didn't seem to bother him but Corbyn was annoyed.

Dy: only because I love you Corbyn.

I squeezed his cheeks and moved my butt off his chest and put my head there. I was now laying on top of Zach and Corbyn. This was fun. I looked up at Corbyn and pointed my finger that he than tried to bite.

Dy: the conversation wasn't over.
C: why not?
Dy: cause you woke me up from my wonderful sleep and made me move out of my warm and cozy bed that I love so dearly.
C: sorry I just wanted to see the photos of your first shoot.
Dy: fine. I'll get them but don't get them filthy or my mom will kill you.
C: now I'm scared
Dy: you should be

I got off the boys and headed into the house to get the photos.

Corbyn's POV

As Dylan walked into the house I looked to my right and saw Zach looking at her with an extra sparkle in his eye. Once the door shut and she was out of sight the sparkle disappeared. I was now smiling like a goof. I kept looking at him and once he turned his head towards me I smirked.

Run (Why Don't We fan fic) Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now