1: Memories and Moving On...

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Alright people. This isn't some depressing Saioma stuff, okay? You just have to get through the first chapter to get to the good part. Thanks, I guess.

I know this chapter is short and I promise I'll have proper chapters after this. This is just a small starting chapter. I'll make up for it.

Shuichi's P.O.V

We were going to be free. We were entering reality...

I sighed calmly as my eyes teared up. So many thoughts plagued my mind... The biggest of those torturous thoughts was the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself. Kokichi Oma.

The sight of his blood splattered mercilessly under the hydraulic press... It sickened me...

I couldn't help but feel my stomach churn painfully. My emotions were getting the best of me... Kokichi... Why do you haunt my thoughts and dreams?

Maki dragged me back into reality when she patted my back. A sad smile was forced onto her face. Himiko was in a daze. Her emotions were clearly confusing her. We survived, but we left so much behind...

"Here we go then." I whispered. All three of us headed towards the large hole in the wall.

At first, I thought that I got a glimpse of something like an eye through the hole. It was violet. Like Kokichi's..

I shrugged it off and pushed my thoughts aside. I couldn't let them get the better of me.

First, Himiko edged forward and tip-toed through the void until she was out of sight.

Next, Maki fearlessly strolled through without a second thought.

Hesitantly, I stepped up to the wall, until my toes merely tipped the darkness that surrounded us.

With a sigh, I buffed my chest, closed my eyes and held my head up high. This was it. This was where fiction met reality...

I leapt through. I felt as if I was falling deeper and deeper into a dark abyss. As sudden as it began, it ended.


"Nngh..." I groaned, confused. I was in a room that was all white. I realised that I was sitting in a hospital bed.

I had to let my eyes adjust to the bright lights surrounding me, before I could properly take in my surroundings.

Shadows circled me and voices that started out as whispers grew into chatter.

"Ah! You're finally awake!" A girl that I recognised all too well beamed at me. Tsumugi Shirogane...

"Get out of his face before he probably punches you. Remember? He's only after entering reality. Anyone would want to kill you after what they just witnessed!" Another girl warned. No. It couldn't be. My friend. Kaede Akamatzu!

I tried to say something, but I could only utter another quiet groan.

"Jeez. He looks pretty tired. Let's hope he doesn't just pass out on us." Ryoma's deep voice stated.

"Fucking virgins! All weak as hell!" Miu Iruma for definite laughed.

"PRAISE ATUA! He is alive! Another soul spared by the great and merciful Atua." Angie rejoiced.

"Shall I assist with anything?" Kirumi Toujo's voice purred, waiting for orders. Everyone seemed to just ignore Angie.

"Rest Kirumi. If anything, we should get one of those degenerate males to do something!" Tenko barked.

"Such beauty in the art of watching one awaken... Humanity never fails to impress me, yet again." Well that was definitely Korekiyo.

"Been a long time." Rantaro Amami chuckled.

"Gonta think that we should get glass of water for everyone." Gonta suggested.

"I am unsure of how to respond to this situation..." Kiibo said blankly.

"Ay! Buddy! You getting up or what?!" Kaito laughed, full of excitement.

I heard two other groans and immediately recognised them to belong to Maki and Himiko.

But where was-

"..Shu-... Shuichi..." A voice gasped. It was a mere whisper. I felt myself smile as my head turned and my eyes actually focussed on someone.

His violet eyes shone with shock, fear and care.

Everyone went silent and watched in shock. "I... I'm so, so sorry... Kokichi.." I croaked.

"Shuichi, no. I should be sorry. I-" Kokichi looked away and twiddled his thumbs.

"No. I won't listen. I want you to know that I regret so much. I'm still so confused and I don't even know if I'm just dreaming, but I want you to know that I am genuinely sorry. I care about you. Everyone of you. I wish that I could've done more..." I spoke full of determination to get my message across.

Kokichi, looking like he was holding a lot in, finally broke. He tackled me in a hug, with nearly all of his body on top of me and sobbed into my chest.

"Kokichi! You should know better than to disrupt Shuichi's peace. He is weak after the whole experience. You-" Kirumi began to scold the small male, but everyone around me began to join in the hug.

Soon, all of us were in a giant group hug, including Kirumi. I heard two sets of footsteps and saw Maki and Himiko join in. Everyone stayed in this position for a minute.

Finally, all of us, in our huddle were crying together. All of our emotions shared...

Maki stood back. "Where do we begin?" She muttered...

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