Raising James

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Emily's POV (continued)
Me and Andrew raise James. We try to feed him and teach him to walk. Turns out that he is a fast learner because he was learning to walk in just several weeks. However, it still isn't easy, raising a baby alien. James has a big metabolism and needs to constantly eat. Also, he goes into moments of fits which resulted in him lifting furniture and throwing it across the room. We had to constantly replace the furniture.

"No one said this was going to be easy," I tell Andrew.

One night, I hear James crying. I get up and walk to his room to calm him.

"Shh shh, it's alright. Focus on my voice," I say placing my hand, gently on his head.

James starts hearing my voice and falls asleep.

James starts being able to walk after 8 months. At first, his adopted siblings aren't sure of him and regard him as a freak. James tried to win their favor by performing nice deeds for them. However, nothing he did really made them like him. However, we still loved James regardless of what he is. I took him to preschool. But he never really fitted in and was kicked out after starting a fight with a bully who called him ugly. I constantly told James that he was just special.

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