Becoming A Hero

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Overtime, me and Michael became great friends.

One day, he asked me about my past again.

"So what is your story, James? We have known each other for a while and you still haven't told me. How bad could it be?"

I think about it. Finally, I look at Michael with a worried look.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

Michael nods his head.

"Alright, sit down."

So I tell Michael about everything. The Andersons, Dr. Drake, Amanda, Project: Cadmus, my escape from the lab, and eventually how I ended up in Chicago.

"Wow and I thought my life was rough," Michael says.

Michael puts his hand on my shoulder and hugs me.

One day, I come home from work and Michael is watching TV.

"What are you watching?"

"Have you heard about this new crime gang? They are killing women and children for money."

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"You have superpowers. You could take them down."

"Look I don't want to go use my powers anymore. I am trying to stay incognito."

"But you use your powers when you work."

"No, I don't."

I don't know why I lied because Michael Just gives me a look that says "Really dude?" I knew I couldn't lie to him.

"Alright fine I do but it's my job. This is not my job. We should let the police handle this."

"And then what? Let innocent people die. You have a gift, James. It would be selfish not to use that gift for the benefit of others."

I sit down and think. After a while, I look at Michael.

"Alright fine. Where do we start?"

"First, we need a costume."

"Already taken care of," I say.

I show Michael my makeshift costume. He bursts out laughing.

"You're kidding right?"

I look at him confused.

"Yeah like you can do any better."

"Oh you bet I can but I will take care of that later. For now, this will do. Next, we need a crime."

"So how do we find one?"

Michael flips a switch which is connected to several radios.

"You connected your radios to police scanners. Is there anything you can't do?"

Michael shrugs his shoulders.

"Not really."

Suddenly a voice speaks through a police scanner.

"Attention all units. There is a hostage situation in a Walmart. The hostage is an Asian woman, age 30. The perpetrator is a Caucasian with blond hair."

"Now is your chance. Also, I want to give you this."

Michael hands me a small dot.

"Put that in your ear."

"What does it do?"

"I can talk to you through it."


I leave the building. I head to the rooftop.

"What are you doing on the roof?"

"Testing a new power."

"What? Oh no!"

I jump off the building.

"Please work! Please work! Please work!"

I close my eyes Suddenly I stop falling. I open my eyes and look down. I see myself floating in midair.

"Holy cow! I can fly!"

I fly to the Walmart. I look through the walls with my x-Ray vision. I spot the gunman. I use my super speed to run through the store without being seen. I push the gunman against a wall, the force of him hitting the wall knocks him out.  I head back to the apartment.

"So how did I do?"

"Wow, I am impressed. Not bad for a first outing."

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