C.H.B oc

12 0 16

Name : Michael Knight

Age : 15

Godly parent : Apollo

Personality : W.I.P

Looks : Above

Friends : None yet

Crush : same as friends

Weapons : A hand crafted bow ( obviously ) and a dagger with a bronze hilt , a gold sun carved into the middle of the hilt.

Backstory : W.I.P

Special abilities : ( minor) Biokinesis , (Minor) audiokinesis , he's a superior Archer , foresight , able to curse people to only speak in rhymes , photokinesis , something he calls the eye of Apollo ( a refference to the eye of Ra , his eyes can glow either so he can see in the dark or a quick flash of light potentially temporarily blinding however is looking in his eyes or just at his face in general ), another typical Apollo ability is he's a very talented guitar player. ( Sorry for all the special abilities but most of them are common Apollo kid abilities ).

Likes : music , Archery , exploring , hunting with the followers of Artemis , campfire stories , camp games.

Dislikes : when he fails at using his powers , not being able to leave camp , the fact that he's mute.

Extra : As mentioned in his dislikes he's mute ( that's right a mute Apollo kid ) , he's 6'2. In order to heal someone he must take their sickness onto himself temporarily , Wich harns him ( how much and how effective the healing is depends on the situation , also no that's not why he's mute).

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