Super o.c

15 0 6

Name : şacal ( last name unknown )

Age : 16

Gender : male

Parent : Romulus

Personality : W.I.P

Powers : ( basically a mix between wolverine and sabretooth ) an accelerated healing factor , virtual immunity to known diseases , senses of sight, smell and hearing are also enhanced to unknown superhuman levels. also possesses some degree of superhuman strength, the limits of which aren't fully known. His speed, agility, and reflexes are similarly enhanced.He also possesses a single, retractable claw at the tip of each finger as well as elongated canine teeth. ( Not really a power but) not only does he have the claws made of
adamantium , they have a bit of vibranium in them ( both thanks to his father).

Skills : he's multilingual speaking - Roman , German , Russian , Arabic , Japanese and Spanish. , He knows martial arts , and is well educated in the sciences ( especially chemistry and biology) by his father.

Looks : Above ( yes I know that's Daken but I don't give a fuck ).

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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