5. Savings & Loan

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It had been nearly a week since my hallucination. I now know my tattoo never really changed, but I still found myself checking it frequently. In the meantime, my life has continued on in it's usual monotonous pace. I sleep, work, and go home. I'm also extremely happy to report I've had no nightmares or muggings in the last week.

I was nearly finished with my shift when my coworker, Jack, showed up at the store. "Hey Jack, you're early." I kept my tone light with amusement. I may not be the store's best employee, but neither was Jack. Showing up early was a rarity for him.

"Am I?" He checked his watch. It glimmered and shined against his darker complexion. "Ah shit. Well I guess I'll-"

I interrupt with mock enthusiasm before he can leave. "Take over the register so I can go home? Awesome! You're the best!"

He looks at me with surprise before slumping his shoulders in defeat. "Yeah... Hey don't forget that you're working for me on Sunday."

"I won't!" I grab my purse and slip out the door.

I can't say I feel bad. If anything, getting out of work at this time means I can head to the theater and treat myself to a discounted movie. This month has been a bit of a mixed bag, and I feel entitled some form of self care. Especially since I can now confidently stay awake for the entire duration of a movie.

I decide to walk the 6 blocks to my destination. As my feet strike the pavement, I internally debate on which movie to watch and whether to get candy or popcorn. When I am a block away from the theater, I feel a slight prickling sensation.

No. No, no, no. Not again.

My stomach hits the floor as my tattoo begins burning. I panic before ducking into a designer clothing store. I ignore the judgemental looks of the employees as I grab a shirt off a rack and rush into the fitting room.

Once inside, I whip my polo off and check out my reflection. The ink beneath my skin was swirling as a new image slowly formed. It was like my shoulder had become a bad etch-a-sketch. I let my breath hiss through my teeth as the pain intensified. I touched my sore shoulder with my fingers to confirm what I am seeing. My skin feels hot to the touch, but otherwise unaffected.

Why? Why is this happening?

I feel a mixture of horror and frustration. I had been able to dismiss the previous experience as a fallacy within my mind, but this- this was real. I couldn't pretend this wasn't happening anymore. Something unexplainable was happening to my body.

I continue watching as the ink settled into the silhouette of a modern building. I squinted into the mirror, struggling to make sense of it all. I knew the building, but which one was it? I rake my mind as anxiety and nervousness take over. I step closer to the mirror, scrutinizing my tattoo until I know where to go.

"The bank... My bank."

I pull my polo back on as I leave the fitting room. I leave the shirt with a sales clerk as I move to exit the store.

I need to go there. I need to know what's going on.

When I am outside, I begin to sprint. I am not an athletic person by any means, but the paranoia and dread were good motivators. My breaths came out as measured gasps as I near the Amber City Savings & Loan building.

I stop a few yards from the spotless glass doors to catch my breath. Still panting, I look around, eyeing my surroundings with suspicion. Finding nothing out of place, I enter the bank. The marble floors and high ceiling create echoes for each of my tentative footsteps.

I find a seat in the lobby and slump into it as I scan my surroundings. I pretend to text on my phone while waiting impatiently for something to happen. After seeing nothing for several minutes, I begin to doubt my gut instincts.

Yeah something here is wrong alright... Too bad it's my brain.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair to smooth it. I decided to head home. There was no reason for me to be sitting in the bank. I mentally chastise myself before standing up stiffly. My muscles protested at the sudden movement. I knew I would be sore tomorrow.

Just when I let my guard down, I heard a gunshot. I jumped as I heard several screams. My feet were frozen in place as I heard a male voice shout.

"Everyone get down! This is a robbery!"

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