34. Visions

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I shivered in the cool breeze and glanced around. Seeing no one at the bus stop, I peeled off my sweater. I watched as the ink in my skin swirled in a chaotic manner. I winced as the prickling sensation increased. I didn't need my tattoo to tell me something was wrong. Even before I saw it, I could feel it in the air.

I glanced down as a new image materialized. It appeared to be a hotel that was under construction. I now understood the image that flashed before my eyes. I knitted my brows together and I struggled to remember that building. There was a lot of construction around the old district, but none of the buildings were quite that grand.

My worried mind struggled to put the pieces together. I closed my eyes and thought of those concrete walls. It was slightly familiar to me, but how? I scrutinized my tattoo. The answer came to me in a flash. It was so obvious, I had to resist the urge to smack my forehead.

I left from my seat and hailed a passing taxi. I ripped the door open before the vehicle completely stopped. "Take me uptown to Stadium Avenue. Quickly."

"Headed to the game?"


I stared out the window, scanning the city for the unfinished building or any signs of trouble. I closed my eyes as I kneaded my temples. I pulled the image back into my mind and waited for the familiar sensation. It took a little longer, but soon enough I felt the familiar flexing sensation in my head. I was back in the vision again. This time in a new location. I could see a long hallway with many doorways. It was a hotel. I was sure of it. I could hear someone approaching behind me. I turned to sneak a look, seeing familiar red hair and broad shoulders.


I was brought back to the present moment by the taxi lurching to a stop. I half listened as the cab driver cussed out another motorist. My mind was whirring with this newest revelation. Clout's presence in my vision was troubling to put it mildly. Was he following me?

I thought of calling Specter, but quickly squashed the thought from my overstimulated mind. After our last encounter, I wanted nothing to do with him.

I can do this... I hope.

In the distance I could see the unfinished hotel. It reached towards the sky like an imposing obelisk. I supressed a shudder as the building grew closer. Perhaps it was the fear of walking into the unknown that brought a nervous flutter to my stomach, or perhaps the knowledge that Clout would be there. I only knew that whatever he was up to, it had to be stopped.

"Stop here please." I clutched my purse with trembling fingers, pulling out my wallet. I tossed a few bills to the driver and hopped out.

I looked up, staring at the empty windows of the hotel. From my position across the street, I couldn't see anything suspicious. I took a deep breath and half jogged across the street, dodging traffic as I went. I kept my eyes trained on the building as I moved closer.

I assessed my surroundings with weary eyes. A tall fence topped with barbed wire surrounded the construction zone. In front of the building was a large sign announcing the hotel's name, a fancy restaurant on the top floor, and the date of the grand opening.  Beyond the fence was a ghost town. Equipment and machinery was strewn about inbetween mounds of dirt.

I walked along the fence, looking for an entry point. Scaling the fence was out of the question as the barbed wire looked especially wicked. I began to search along the bottom of the fence, thinking I could find a gap large enough to squeeze through. Unfortunately, the fence looked impenetrable.  When I was nearly behind the future hotel, I saw a dark green dumpster pushed against the fence.


I moved close enough to see what the dumpster was hiding. I grunted as I began to shove the dumpster. The wheels squealed  in protest. After several attempts, I was able to move the it far enough to exposed a mutilated section of the fence.  The metal was bent in places and snapped off in others. I brushed my fingertips lightly against the torn metal. I knew who did this.


I knelt down and crept through the damaged fence. Once I was on the other side, I suspiciously regarded my surroundings. I could see a large pile of metal tubing to my left. To my right was an empty doorway that would take me inside. I quickly crouched behind the pile of tubes as I heard approaching laughter.  I covered my mouth with my hands to suppress my heavy breathing. I could hear a group of people walking by. Their footsteps echoes off the concrete walls behind me. I stole a glance in their direction, seeing a drunken group just on the other side of the fence. Within a few seconds, they were out of sight.

I stood up and looked at the pile in front of me. I found a narrow length of metal to my liking. I gently removed it from the pile, wincing at the loud whispers of metal sliding against metal. I gripped the tube and anxiously eyed my surroundings. Seeing no one around. I made my way towards the entrance. I paused just outside, taking a moment to steel myself. Once I felt ready, I stepped inside.

Okay... Don't panic.

I was immediately met with a large, empty space. The desolate area was devoid of any sign of people. I exhaled in relief, making my way towards what appeared to be an elevator. I pushed the call button, feeling disappointed when nothing happened. Realizing the building's power has been shut off, I quickly walked towards the stairwell. With each step I took, the light grew more dim. Once I began scaling the steps, I wondered if I should use my phone's flashlight. Navigating the construction site would be difficult if my only light source was a few errant rays of sunlight. I pulled my phone out of my purse, then thought better of it. I didn't want to advertise the fact that I was trespassing. I took a quick, calming breath and continued up the stairs.

When I reached the second floor, I exited the stairwell. I gripped the metal pipe, taking comfort from the way it cooled my sweating fingers. I crept down the hallways and, finding nothing of interest, I returned to the stairs. I then repeated the same motions on the third floor.

This is useless. I can't waste time searching every floor.

I took a seat on the concrete steps, carefully holding the metal tube against my lap. I steadied myself before remembering the long hallway. I was almost immediately plunged back into my vision. I found myself back in the vacant hallway. Upon hearing footsteps, I turned to see Clout behind me. He was grim in appearance. I looked away from his intense gaze to glance just behind him, seeing the number five painted onto the wall. Clout then spoke.

"It's no use. She's not here."

I shook the vision from my head. The more details I uncovered, the more confused I became. I climbed up the steps, feeling vexed. I once thought my visions held the answers, now I knew they only seemed to raise more questions. I ignore my burning legs and continued towards the fifth floor.

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