Chapter 5- The Dinner

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Around an hour later a dress is brought to my room by a maid. She carries a pair of shoes that match the dress perfectly. The dress is a periwinkle color with a white lace overlaying the delicate fabric. The shoes seem to be painted with lace details which stand out. "This isn't one of my dresses," I tell the maid.

Alec comes behind me and shushes me. "Thank you Mrs. Cartwright." The old woman bows and walks away from the door. "I had them brought from Hermione's room, agápi. She was more than thrilled to hear I had a mate. Please," he kisses my hand and motions to the bathroom. I slide out of his sweats and into the soft dress. I correct my bun to look more like an elegant messy bun. Carefully folding his clothes back, I can't help but smell his mouth-watering scent. I step back into the bedroom to see that Alec is now dressed in an Armani suit with a light blue tie to match my dress. I smile at his little gesture.

"I have to go back to mine and Gia's room. I have to meet with the rest of my group in thirty minutes to walk together." Thin, small lines appear in between his eyebrows at my statement. I fight my fingers from wanting to reach up and smooth the foreign lines on his handsome face. "I have to. I'm on a trip from college, Alec." He nods slightly and kisses my temple as he holds the door open for me.

A few minutes later I arrive back to my room, hoping that Gia wouldn't grill me. To my surprise she sits with her legs crossed at the foot of the bed waiting for me. "Well missy, I expect you have news for me." So I begin to tell her of my epic romance with the one and only Alpha King. "I hope you don't expect me to change my behavior around you now, Luna." I shake my head and hug her. Quickly she passes me some lipstick to put on and a squirt of perfume and we walk to the foyer to meet up with the rest of the group. "Wow, you reek of him."

As I enter the room all eyes stare at me. Whispers instantly begin to peak as hushed voice speak of the King and I. Having werewolf hearing, Gia and I were able to hear almost every word that came from anyone's mouth. One group said they were surprised to see I was alive thinking that the King would behead me or something morbid like that. Another group talked about how I was such a slut jumping for a King when the opportunity was presented to me. Honestly, I kind of did feel like a slut after our little makeout session; I mean I hadn't even said his name. The chaperones began to discuss what my consequences should be thinking that I had angered the King in some form or fashion. Honestly everything anyone said was absolute rubbish.

Within a few minutes a maid came to escort us to the formal dining room. Tonight we had name tags placed on the table. I said next to the head of the table at the right side and Gia next to me. I noticed that Harry hadn't even bothered to say anything to me since I returned back to the group. He was also sat towards the complete opposite end. After a few minutes the same man from last night came to the door with a serious expression. "Please rise in honor of their Royal highnesses Princess Hermione Katerina Vasilios and His Majesty the King Deo Kristos Alecandros Vasilios." Everyone rose and bowed in respect. Alec made his way to me with a hint of amusement in his eyes watching me bow to him. Hermione walked to the opposite end of the table and sat next to Harry. Alec walked towards me. He motions us to sit as he takes his seat next to me.

Tonight wine is offered to us and I can't help but take a gulp of the tang grape juice, knowing that this would be a long dinner. A baked chicken was place in front of each of us with lemon garlic roasted potatoes along with caramelized asparagus. My mouth watered at the sight. "Please eat," Alec's husky voice rumbles out. Of course no one would hesitate to do as the King said or they might end up as Zinsophia did and be in a lifetime of trouble. I can feel Della roll her eyes.

In between the main dish and dessert Alec speaks up. "I am very grateful to hear the wonderful music you have played today. I would hate to be impersonal so please if you wouldn't mind as to tell me your name and what your profession will now be." Alec points to the male sitting across from me. He squeaks out a name and then a profession I'm not sure I've ever heard of. He makes his way all the way down the left side before Harry. Harry obviously states his name in a slight pissed off manner. He tells that he will now be pursuing law school to help children and women deal with domestic violence cases. "Why would you choose that career?" Alec asks coldly.

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