Chapter 23-A twist in time

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The doors open and Hermione and Jack went first. She fixed her dress and wound her arm through his as she stiffens her back and smiles. "Please stand for the entrance of their Majesties." The announcer pauses for a second as everyone shuffles to stand up. "Her highness, Princess Hermione Katerina Vasilios Thompson and her mate Jackson Daniel Thompson." The crowd applauds as they walk out of the door and stand at the top of the stairs allowing for every Alpha to bow towards them.

"I'm so nervous, Soph." Gia says as her hands shake, fanning herself.

"Oh get over. No one cares about us. We aren't the King and Queen."

"Ezio if you don't shut your son of a Bi-"

"Prince Ezio Lander Vasilios and his mate Georgianna Artemis Apostolou Vasilios." She sucks in her chin and smiles brightly as Ezio smirks at her as they walk out of the doors to the top of the stairs. They stand for a few seconds waiting for their applause as the Alphas catch a glimpse of their new princess.

"Are you ready, agápi mou?" Alec asks me with a kiss to my knuckles.

"I'm ready for anything when you're by my side," I say with a soft smile. Alec smiles back, his eyes gleam as he wraps my hand around his bended elbow.

"And the moment you've all waited for. Please welcome his majesty, Alpha King Deo Kristos Alecandros Vasilios and your new Queen, her majesty Luna Queen Zinsophia Adelaide Script Vasilios." The crowd erupts as we walk to the top of the stairs. My smile could not be any bigger than at this moment. Della radiates her power and feels pleased beyond measure. My dress shimmers as the spotlight hits us at just the right angle.

Alec allows us to stay in the position for a while as every person in the room bows their respect to us. Everyone lays on bended knee as they bare their necks to their new Queen. Alec smiles as we walk to the balcony next to the stairs. A podium was at the entrance as we walk up to the microphone. Gia and Ezio stand to our right and Hermione and Jack to our left.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it a great pleasure to have all of you in my home to celebrate such a great thing. I would like to introduce you all to your newest Luna Queen. This is my mate, Zinsophia. She comes from the states in Alpha Johnson's pack. She will be an incredible Queen and I am very proud to call her mine.

"This ball was called to make an announcement of greatness. I have sense proposed to my beautiful mate and we will be having a grand wedding in the next few months in which everyone will pledge their allegiance to your queen."

Everyone begins to speak at the same time which sends chills down my spine. "Long live the Luna Queen." They all bow their heads slightly again to us.

Alec smiles at me as he squeezes my hand. "Now please enjoy the ball. It is meant to celebrate this exciting time." He raises a champagne glass that a waiter had brought to all six of us. We all raise our cups towards Alec. "To my Queen." Alec says as he looks at me.

"To the queen!" Everyone says happily and we all take a drink of our drinks.

We walk down the stairs as we walk to our table at the front of the room. Gia sits next to me at the table and Hermione on the other side of Alec. The first dish is brought out in which a couple of crab cakes sits on a tray with the salad. I clear my throat as I go to speak up to the waiter. Alec squeezes my hand as he whispers in my ear, "Not now, kardiá."

I sigh as I bite into the delicious crab cake and pick at my salad. The next dish was served next. I ate more of this meal but I was careful as to not eat all of it so that the Luna's had nothing to discuss about my eating habits. Dessert came and it was just as delicious as I knew it would be. A delicious piece of Chocolate dream pie was placed in front of me and honestly I didn't give a damn if the Luna's judged me for eating the entire piece of pie. That was my special pick of the entire evening.

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