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Welcome to our society. you will be judged on what you wear, how you look, and how you act. Enjoy your stay.

 Enjoy your stay

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Chanel Summers

Home Sweet Home, the welcome mat in front of the grand double French doors read. It was just an ordinary welcome mat with dull colors and ugly writing. It was out of place in front of this grand...mansion. Just like Chanel Summers.

Currently, Chanel was debating if she should ring the doorbell and be welcomed into the place that was supposed to be her home for the next year, or she could just call back the very nice taxi driver who had dropped her off and kindly ask him to drive her back to the airport. She had enough large bills along with a shiny black piece of plastic tucked into her Chanel wallet to pay for a trip straight back to Europe where she truly belonged.

Oh no, Chanel hadn't been to America in five years. When she was five and her parents decided that it was pointless to keep up their failing relationship, Chanel's mom Lauren had relocated the two of them to London. It was there that Lauren began to make a name for herself as a fashion designer. It was there that Chanel had fit in perfectly with the glamorous world of high fashion.

So, what was she doing in America? She had been a good child (most of the time), she didn't max out her credit cards a lot, and she wasn't that much trouble to take care of. So why was she in the stupid small town in New Jersey that she had promptly left twelve years ago?

Chanel bit down on her lip and clutched the handle of her shiny new Louis tote even harder than she had before, causing her knuckles to turn white. There was a beginning of autumn chill in the air but the thickest thing that she had in her suitcase was her Pucci scarf, and the cashmere Burberry sweater that she had tugged on thirty minutes before leaving wasn't doing her much good.

Swallowing back her stupid fears, Chanel reached out, pressing her fingers to the doorbell and quickly pulling it away. The door swung open approximately three Mississippi's later, revealing a tall and lanky strawberry blonde. Her skinny body was wrapped in a grey cashmere sweater with tight black leggings and the most hideous pair of Ugg boots on her feet. They were a flashy neon purple that changed to a cerulean blue when the girl shifted and to top it all off, they were covered in sequins. Ew.

Chanel looked up, resisting the urge to roll her eyes as her chocolate brown eyes locked with the blonde's icy blue ones. She had only been in America for a total of three hours and people were already breaking the most basic rules of fashion. Thou shall not wear clothes that don't fit, thou shall not mix tacky prints, and thou shall not wear sequined Ugg boots.

"I'm Chanel," she introduced, hoping that she hadn't gotten her dad's address wrong. Either she didn't wholeheartedly listen whenever they actually spoke on the phone, or her dad had never mentioned having a step daughter.

"SPENCER! YOUR BASTARD IS HERE!" The girl yelled back into the house as Chanel's jaw dropped. The girl smirked just as Spencer McLawlen came into view. Ugh. She was so glad her mom kept her maiden name and passed it down to Chanel.

"Chanel, you've grown so much!" Uh yeah, that's what happens when you don't make an effort to see someone for twelve straight years. Spencer McLawlen came into view, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled and grabbed her luggage for her as Chanel followed him into the enormous house. She never really understood why the people with the smallest families needed gigantic, fancy mansions but she didn't say anything about it.

"I wanted to pick you up from the airport but Meredith needed some help around the house," Spencer rambled as Chanel just followed behind him. Ah, Meredith: the step mother.

The house was beautiful, she couldn't deny that. The floors were a rare olive wood that made the house seem more homey. Every single open room had at least one full wall of nothing but windows from the ceiling to the floor. There was a grand, circular staircase that you saw as soon as you walked in, and there were pictures everywhere of Spencer, Meredith, and that blonde girl. A pang of jealousy hit Chanel. All of the pictures showcase the blonde girl growing up. Spencer hadn't been there to watch her grow up.

"Meredith cooked a big dinner for your homecoming! Are you hungry?" Spencer asked as they entered the kitchen. Marble counters, limestone floors, high tech appliances...she tried to rack her brain to remember what he did for a living but nothing came to her. Would it be rude to ask?

"Um...I'm just tired," Chanel shyly replied, tugging on the ends of her ruby red hair.

"Hey baby," Mereditch McLawlen walked up to her husband and gave him a long kiss on the lips. Chanel was sure that they would start an impromptu makeout session right in front of her but thankfully they pulled apart. Meredith offered Chanel a warm smile, pacing her small hand on Chanel's forearm.

"I'm so happy you're here!" with that said, Chanel could immediately tell that Meredith was one of those optimistic, the glass is half full, tupe of people. She didn't have a problem with that but she had only been in the house for five minutes and she was already irritated.

"We both are!" Spencer piped in. Chanel made an effort to smile but she was sure it came out as a grimace. "Now I know you're tired so how about I show you your room?"

Spencer didn't wait for an answer. He simply led her towards the floating staircase and lugged her trunk all the way up the stairs, mumbling his dismay at how much she had packed. He should be thankful that her mom only gave her two hours to pack her things or else he'd have way more to take upstairs.

"Here it is," Spencer said as they entered a disgustingly all white room. It was at the end of the hall with its own bathroom and walk in closet. Nothing compared to her room at home but it would have to do.

"Thanks," Chanel said, walking into the room a little bit more and looking around.

"I know this is different for both of us, but I'm really happy that you're here. I hope we can use this time to rekindle our relationship," Spencer said, and Chanel could tell that he was being sincere but it still made her slightly uncomfortable. If he wanted a relationship so bad why didn't he even try to fight her mother when she petitioned for full custody during the divorce?

" too." She wasn't lying but she wasn't exactly telling the truth either. Still, she smiled at Spencer before looking around the plain room again.

"Well, Meredith can take you to one of the malls around town to pick up some clothes and stuff to decorate the room if you'd like. School starts Monday, kid. If you get hungry, the kitchen is open to you." Spencer was hovering. Chanel nodded without making eye contact, and Spencer finally got the hint that she wanted him to leave. And thankfully he closed the door behind him. He was good at this teenager thing.

Chanel knelt in front of her trunk and unhooked the latches, throwing the top of it open and pulling the framed picture on top of all of her clothes out of the trunk. It was really the only personal thing that she had brought with her from London. It wasn't anything too special, just a picture of her and her mom at her very first show of Fashion Week. Placing it on her nightstand, Chanel collapsed on the king sized bed and released a deep breath as she stared at the white ceiling. She hadn't been to an actual school in years. With all of the traveling, home schooling was the way to go. She wondered what she was in for.

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