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Tinsley SandersTinsley Sanders was observant and she always had been

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Tinsley Sanders
Tinsley Sanders was observant and she always had been. That's why she was always able to get her way. That's why she knew everything about everyone, even things that they didn't notice themselves. That's why she knew exactly how to calm her friends down when they were having absolute meltdowns, which Brett was clearly in the middle of. Tinsley watched from Brett's full sized bed as she jogged in place for sixty seconds, stepped on a scale, released an irritated sigh when the number hadn't gone down, and then resume her jogging. This has been going on for at least fifteen minutes and the constant movement of the older girl was starting to make her nauseous.

"Brett, we were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago!" Tinsley exclaimed, not that she was in any rush to get home but her parents' private jet was waiting for them and Tinsley was running out of excuses. She would definitely have to talk her father into giving their poor pilot a raise.

"I can't step on that plane until I'm at least 120. Kendra will kill me if I'm not," Brett emphasized, stepping onto the scale one more time. 121. Why wouldn't that stubborn pound go away.

"You're not going to lose a pound in thirty minutes. Come on, we have to go. You can totally walk laps around the jet but we have to leave," Tinsley tried to coax her, standing up and grabbing Brett's wrist to halt her jogging. If she knew she was going to delay their departure, she could've spent some much needed time with her boyfriend instead.

"You're going to be the best looking one at the ball on Saturday. You always are. Kendra won't have a negative thing to say about you, I swear," Tinsley promised her, but Brett wasn't convinced.

Yes, Tinsley had grown up right by her side but Tinsley didn't know Kendra Hotchkins the way that Brett knew Kendra Hotchkins. Tinsley wasn't there when Kendra weighed her before school and took her lunch away when she wasn't at a desirable weight. Instead of measuring how tall she grew, Kendra measured her weight and made sure to remind her of it at every chance she got.

"It's Kendra. She always has something negative to say."

Brett broke free from Tinsley's grasp and stepped on the scale one more time. Great. Still 121.

"I knew we should've skipped the croissants at the Java this morning," Brett grumbled as she finally went to put her shoes on.

"They had a fresh batch. That never happens!" Tinsley nearly squealed, trying to lift her friend's spirit in any way that she could...because she definitely knew she was about to crush it.

"Whatever. Where are the other girls?" Brett asked as she shrugged into her jacket.

"Ibbie is riding back with Jay,Ava got picked up early with Jeremiah, and Chanel is riding with us..." Tinsley mumbled the last part but Brett clearly still heard her.


"You can walk and yell at me at the same time. Come on," Tinsley said, nearly hip checking Brett into the door. Tinsley set a text to Chanel to let her know that she was leaving as they walked down the hall with their bags.

"I cannot believe that you agreed to let her ride with us. Did you miss the part where she literally dissed us at the welcome dinner the other night?" Brett ranted as Tinsley discreetly rolled her eyes.

"Uh, she took notes for me in Spanish when I missed class the other day. What was I supposed to do? Ignore her?" Tinsley rebutted.

"Isn't that what we usually do? Besides why do you need Spanish notes anyway? Spanish is your second language," Brett stated as Tinsley pushed the button for the elevator.

"It's my jet and I said she's riding with us so get over it. I heard stress causes weight gain anyway. Maybe that's why you're a pound fatter than usual," Tinsley hissed, completely shutting Brett up. See. She always knew how to calm her friends down.

Chanel SummersChanel had come to the conclusion that Spencer was just terrible at communication, but especially when it came to communicating with her

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Chanel Summers
Chanel had come to the conclusion that Spencer was just terrible at communication, but especially when it came to communicating with her. Tinsley had told her about this gala on their first day of classes but Chanel hadn't considered that she would have to go. So color her surprised when she received a text from Spencer asking if Ivy had told her that he was sending a car for them to come home. Of course she hadn't spoken to Ivy since they arrived at this God forsaken school so of course she didn't know that. Long story short, Chanel refused to be stuck in a moving vehicle with Ivy that long, had overheard that Tinsley was flying private back into town, and had basically blackmailed her way onto the plane. Chanel was sure that Tinsley would've been nice enough to offer her a ride anyway, but she also got the vibe that Tinsley didn't like to do things for others unless she got something in return. Which she did...Spanish notes.

The only downside was that Chanel was going to be stuck on a private jet with Brett, but she would take Brett over Ivy any day. Apparently Brett was in the middle of a meltdown so they were running late. Chanel had been waiting in front of the dorm for nearly thirty minutes. Clearly Brett was a mess.

"Hey, are you waiting for your ride too?" Chanel turned, the harsh winter wind brushing against her cheek as she faced the guy who had spoken to her. He wasn't that much taller than her with dark brown eyes and a short cut that emphasized how sculpted his face was. Something about him looked familiar but Chanel couldn't quite place it.

"Um...kind of. I'm waiting for my friends," Chanel replied, not that she would ever consider Brett a friend but she didn't have time to go into technicalities and she was sure that he wasn't interested.

"Where are you headed?"

"Home? Apparently there's some gala that I have to attend. What about you?" Chanel asked. She hadn't talked to a lot of students outside of Tinsley to be honest, and she had been fine with that. No one here interested her; not even the cute guy standing in front of her.

"I'm Kingston, the son of the people throwing the gala. Nice to meet you," he smirked, holding his hand out.

"You're related to Tinsley?" Chanel asked, giving his hand a firm shake.

"Twins," Kingston grinned, his eyes leaving her face and instead focusing on something behind her. "It's about time."

Chanel dropped his hand and turned around as well only to see Tinsley practically dragging Brett to where they were standing. And then like magic, a sleek black Escalade pulled up right in front of them and the driver practically sprinted around the car to open the door and grab their luggage.

"Sorry we're late," Tinsley said as if she wasn't sorry at all. "You two know each other?"

Tinsley looked between Chanel and Kingston, but Chanel quickly shook her head.

"We just met. I didn't know you had a twin," Chanel said but Tinsley simply rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I tried not to make it known that I'm related to the biggest whore on campus," Tinsley teased, shooting her brother an amused look.

"Ladies first," Kingston said, stepping back so that they could get into the car first. Chanel was about to get in but one icy glare from Brett and she fell into step behind her. It was going to be a long weekend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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