Chapter 7

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Hey guys, I haven't updated in forever and I'm super sorry. It's been too long. But I finally got my lazy butt in gear and decided to update. I hope you enjoy!!



Finally. It's Friday. This week has been the longest week of my entire life. Harry hasn't bothered to show up to school for the rest of the week. And I haven't seen him since the locker incident. I look down at my wrists and see that the hand print Harry left on the wrists did in fact bruise but is slowly fading. Which is a good thing.

I finally get my lazy ass out of bed and go take a shower. Once I get out I blow dry my hair and plug in my curling wand. Maybe this time I'll get lucky and only end up with 2 burns and not 7 like last time I curled my hair. I'm not very talented with it.

I go to my closet and pick out a cream colored strapless top that shows off some belly. I usually don't wear this type of clothing but today I want to feel hot... Or at least try. I then pick out my favorite high wasted shorts and some light pink toms with cream color lace. I look in the mirror one last time and smile. I look hot for once. Or my hot is more like oh that's nice. Not like smoking hot like what boys like. Diffinatly not that. I have no body what so ever. No curves, no ass, and most importantly no boobs. Like seriously there is nothing there. Like I'm still a fucking A cup and I'm a senior for fuck sakes. Life isn't fair.

After I Finnish my makeup and hair I take one last look in the mirror and smile. I look good for once. Key word... Once. I walk downstairs and say goodbye to my mom before I walk out the door. I get into my convertible I got for my 16th birthday and drive to Melanie's house. I honk the horn to tell her I'm here and a few seconds I see her running out the door.

"Hey Melanie, what's up?"

"Not much how about you? Oh I love your outfit? Trying to impress a boy?!"

"Do you actually think I could get a real boy who genuinely like me for me? No. Never happening."

"And you think I can? Do you see me? I look like a trash can that got ran over by a dumpster truck." Melanie said pointing to her face. Seriously she is so much prettier than me. The only thing that makes my not look like shit is makeup. Lots and lots of makeup.

"Well at least you have a nice body. Im a stick"

"Are you hitting on me?!?"

"Haha funny. No."

"I know I'm just teasing. So do you wanna go shopping after school? I just got paid!!"

"Yeah why not."


Biology... I just have to get through today and then I will be fine. Hopefully Harry will be MIA once again. But just to my luck he walk in with all of his friends right as the bell rings, joy. Now I have to sit here all class and try not to think about him.

Just to my luck the teacher announces that we have a new project that we have to so with a partner. Oh please tell me we can choose our own partner. Please. Of corse not. Just to my luck I get partnered up with the one person I don't ever want to be with. Harry. Now either I spend time with him do the project or don't do it and fail the assignment. But of corse I can't fail the assignment because it's worth 100 points and my grades actually mean something to me. Unlike somebody. Maybe I can ask for a different partner after class. But for now, I'll have to deal with him.

"So Harry, I don't want to do this project let alone do it with so. So do me a favor and don't touch anything and don't talk to me. Okay?" I say as he walks up to me. So we have to do a project on the human cells. Construct a detailed presentation of the human a cell, and include definitions. This will be so fun.

"Do you honestly think I want to be here at school. And do a project with a bitch like yourself? I don't think so. So you can do all the work and I'll get the points? Sounds like a deal to me!" Harry says back in just as bitchy of a tone as me.

"Sounds like a dick to me" I chuckle under my breath. I can't believe someone who seems so kind once is actually such an ass.

"What did you say to me?" I can tell he's mad now.

"You heard me. Oh? Are you mad now? What are you going to do hurt me and give me another bruise like before?" I say and hold up my wrist with the hardly noticeable now bruises. I can tell he knows what I'm talking about when his face immediately drops and all color leaves his face.

"Sorry" he says quietly. He is so weird. One minute he acts like he hates me and then another where he cares. I don't think so. I'm not playing this game.

"Oh don't pretend like you actually care. I've played this game before with you. Do you remember our "date" together. You made me think you could be nice and caring, but I don't was not even close. In a week you just forget about me and move on to the next girl like nothing happened. I'm done with you. After this project ever look touch or talk to me again."

Before he can respond, I'm saved by the bell. Now to try to change me partner. I walk up to Mr. Dewar in his desk.

"What can I do for you Lilly?" He says looking over papers not looking up at me.

" I was wondering if I could change partners from Harry to someone else possibly? I can not work with him. He is so rude, and I don't want to get a bad grade when he ruins the project. I hate him. I can't work with someone so ignorant and stuck up.Please can I have a different partner? Anyone but him."

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't do that. Everyone has already been chosen and have already started the project. I with I could help, but I can't change the partners when the project has already started. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do. Sorry Lilly."

"Okay, sorry for bothering you." I saw and walk out the door. As I walk out, I see Harry was standing right along the wall, next to the doorway, listening in on my conversation. When I walk past him he doesn't say anything but just puts his head down. My heart dropped. I don't know why. I have no feelings but hate for him. I shouldn't be feeling sympathy for him.


Finally! The bell rings. Today has been the longest day ever. I stop in my tracks as I see Harry walking towards me. He stops in front of me.

"So obviously I know how much you despise me and don't want to do this project. But believe it or not we have to do it and we only have until Tuesday. So we need to work on it together, and soon."

"Fine, only because we have to. How about tonight so we can just get it over with. Come to my house tonight a 6?"

"Yeah sure." He begins to walk away and asks me where I live. I remind hike and walk away.

Ugh. I literally hate school in general. I have so much homework and projects to do over the weekend I feel like I am going to explode. And not that having to be with Harry makes it so much better. Note my sarcasm.

Finally something good! I see Melanie walking up to me with a big smile on her face. What's up with her?

"Ready for the mall!?" He says with a smile on her face. Oh shit. I forgot. We had plans to go to the mall after school today.

"I'm sorry Mel, I forgot. I just got assigned a project in bio with none the less the Harry himself. I even asked Mr. Dewar if k could have a new partner. But of corse no. We have to construct a human cell out of anything we can find and include definitions and we have until Tuesday. So I kinda made plans with Harry to come over tonight and we can get it done. And then j won't have to see him again. Or at least talk to him. What about tomorrow?

"Oh that's got to suck. But yeah tomorrow is fine. I just have to work in the morning. How about around 6?"

"Yeah sounds good to me. Now to go home and start the project so I spend as little of time with Harry as possible."

"Good luck with that" she laughs and gets into me car.


Ugh where is Harry. I doubt he got lost. I live in plain sight. It is 6:35 and he isn't here yet. It was even his idea to do this, and now he is ditching? Looks like I'll just do the project myself and leave his name... The door bell rings. I go to answer the door and its Harry.

And the nightmare begins.

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