Musical Chairs

35 1 14

"Ow! You have a bony butt!"


Daylight creeps through the small window. Colby; vanished from my side. I stretch for a few seconds and take in my surroundings. Kara is in the kitchen, attempting to make something toxic with Mark, Camry is already driving, and everyone else snickering at something.

Carly was waving something in the air.
"Aren't these yours?" Her attention was now fixed on me. She gave me a bright pink object. It took me a second to realize it was my floaties. I stuff them into my suitcase. "Rummaging through my stuff again?"

It was no secret I couldn't swim, and it was embarrassing. Colby found out purely on accident. I bet no one else could say their boyfriend drowned them.

Colby comes out of the bathroom, still slightly wet, wearing an amused yet concerned expression. He sweeps over the room, pausing on the floaty peeking out of the suitcase. He's trying not to smirk.

We decided the night before to visit a cool trail about 20 minutes away. Camry drives us over there once we've got our stuff ready.

Colby jumps out and grabs my hand.
"Don't do anything stupid." I plead.
"But I'm so good at that!" I give him a little shove. I follow the group.

"If anyone is being stupid, you need to watch out for yourself."
He sighs. "Just a few seconds ago you were tripping over air."

Ok, maybe I was a little clumsy.

"W-uh-you almost drowned me!"
"How many times are we going to bring that up? Besides, who goes to a pool party if they can't swim?"

Mark calls from up front, "hurry up you two!"
It sort of felt like we were in a movie. We found a pretty stream then decided to eat lunch.

"So." Kara starts, turning away from the crazy boys, who were doing, actually I wasn't sure. "How was sleeping with Colby?"
I almost choke on my food. "Huh?"
"How was it?"

On cue, Colby creeps up. I jump out of my sitting position.
"What are you talking about?"
I stutter, "n-nothing."
He steers me away from the group. He's eating my food, again.

"How come you're always eating my food?"
"Can I do something nice for once?"
I think for a second. "Stealing isn't nice."
He chuckles. "Just close your eyes."

I do as he commands and wait for whatever surprise he has. "Open." He holds out a bright blue Polaroid camera. "I want to remember this summer before I-uh, before it's over." I smile at him. "Thank you."


It took me a while to figure out how to use the camera, but once I did, the pictures came out great. I watch the photos develop. Colby leans over my shoulder, obviously just as fascinated.

"I've always wanted to take photography seriously. I've never really had a...thing?" I say. He looks from the developed photos to me. I notice the same weird expression from last night. What was wrong with him? "Really? Well, I think you should. You seem the artsy type." He laughs. "To be honest, I've never had enough patience to have a...thing?" He laughs again, seeming a bit more at ease.

We are interrupted by several voices.
"We're playing musical chairs!" I take Colby's hand and we make our way over. I don't think there's anything funnier than a game of musical chairs with several competitive teenagers. I think we know who they are.

It was down to just Colby and I. We're both doing the sneaky panther walk, or whatever it's called. The music stops and I pounce on the chair.

"Ow! You have a bony butt!" Colby made it to the chair first. I laugh, then I hear a cracking noise. The chair legs snap in half. I hold onto Colby and yelp.

Over the laughing, someone yells, "congrats to our champion, Colby!" Everyone starts chanting his name, including me.

I fall asleep fast that night, his body molded into mine and the quiet chants of my friends still ringing in my ears. I felt lucky to have Colby. I couldn't imagine not being with him.

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