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"Pass it here, Ben!" Joshua yelled to one of the neighborhood boys.

Joshua, Eva and their neighborhood peers were currently playing football in his mothers flower garden as they did most Sunday afternoons. Unfortunately for Evangeline however, the boys (with the exception of Joshua) refused to kick her the ball. They had told her there was no way she could be good at football because she was a girl, and girls were supposed to do housework, not participate in sports.

After a solid thirty minutes of Joshua hounding them to pass it to Eva, one of the boys, Andrew, finally did. Evangeline burst down the field, only to be thrown to the ground in a dangerous tackle that one would see in a game of American football.

"Ow!" Eva collapsed to the ground, clutching her right arm which took the brunt of the fall.

"Evie!" Her best friend raced towards her, sending one of the boys to get his mum from inside the house.

Joshua kneeled by the young girl, tears welling up in her eyes. He noticed her arm was bent at an ungodly angle, and was positive it was broken, but he didn't want to be the one to break the news to Evangeline.

"I can't look Joshy," Eva pleaded as Joshua's mum ran out of the house, followed by Evangeline's mum.

"It doesn't look too bad, Evie," He tried to reassure her, but it was short-lived as Eva's mum, Greta, covered her mouth in shock.

"Eva, we need to get you to the hospital as soon as possible. Your arm doesn't look good."

"Joshua!" Evangeline smacked her best friend in the chest with her uninjured arm. "You told me it wasn't bad!"

The newly signed Stuttgart player shrugged his shoulders, staring at the ground sheepishly. "I just didn't want you to be afraid."

"Ooh," The neighboorhood boys mocked from behind them. "Joshua likes Eva!"

Joshua opened his mouth to reply, but his mother spoke first. "Boys, go home."

The four boys dashed off, hoping that somehow Mrs. Kimmich wouldn't call home, informing their parents what they had done to sweet Evangeline Ochs.

"Come on, Eva, I'm going to get your dad and we'll drive to the hospital to get your arm checked out."

Evangeline held her limp arm up as she turned away from her best friend, head hung low. She glanced back once at Joshua who was crying in his mother's arms because of how bad he felt.

"That Joshua, he sure is the kindest boy you ever will meet," Eva's mother stated as they pulled out of the driveway to head to the hospital.

"He sure is mum, he sure is."

The Ochs were finally home from the hospital at half-past five that night. Eva was adorning a brand new purple cast on her arm, which much to her dismay was quite itchy.

"Oh look―there's a letter wedged in the front door."

Evangeline sprinted to the door, prying out the letter from the two wooden folds. In bright purple marker was the name 'Evie' scrawled out in messy penmanship, which she identified immediately.

She bound up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door shut. Tearing open the envelope, there was a card made of plain white printer paper inside. Eva gently pulled it out, not wanting it to rip.

The card read (in purple pen of course):


I'm sorry you got hurt today. I can't help but feel it's somehow my fault. My parents told me I should have a rest day after practices all week and my match yesterday, but I insisted on playing today. I should've listened to them.

I wanted to address something besides your injury in this that really bothered me today. The boys said that you couldn't be good at footy because you're a girl, but I wanted to tell you that isn't true at all. I'm certain you could beat each and every one of them 1 v. 1!

Lastly, I wanted you to know that I think you're lovely; both on and off the pitch.


Joshua (Your BGF)

P.S. If you have a cast, can I be the first to sign it? You know it's on my bucket list to do so!

Eva read the card a multitude of times; a smile continuously creeping onto her face everytime she read the sentence in which Joshua had said 'I think you're lovely.'

And it only took those four words for Eva to realize that she didn't just want to be Joshua's best girl friend anymore; one day, she wanted to be more than that. She wanted to be his girlfriend.


a/n: so i know these chapters have been short, but they'll get longer once the plot picks up :)

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