One - Made Of Glass

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The whole world engulfed in flames. Standing alone among bodies bleeding at her feet.

She wakens in her comfortable bed, sits up and looks around her small room at Avengers Tower. It's was mostly empty, in that way it was similar to her cold cell, except for a large book shelf with older literature given to her by Tony Stark in an attempt to make her more comfortable there, and a desk with a chair that she also uses as a nightstand.

She glances out her window to the bustling city even at dawn. She steps out to the silent hall in her slippers that glide across the hard wood floors. She enters the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone, an enjoyable habit she picked up since she's been at the tower.

She begins with Steve, Tony and Thor's because they are always up around the same time as each other, before the others. Same time every morning the three come in and thank her for their meal.


Everyone is gathered, changed from their pyjamas to casual clothes .
Many people like Director Fury, Tony, Thor and others decided that Loki is to return to earth in an attempt to rehabilitate the prince.
"For the first while he will always be watched," Tony said, still going over rules for Loki.
"Loki will not return to earth until we believe he bares no ill intent to earth, he will be under a probationary period on Asgard until that time. Steve and I believe that Lady Mila should 'babysit' him on Asgard for a time. That is, if she is willing." Thor comments and most of the them turn to look at her.

"No! No way! Not happening, no, no, no ,no." Tony yells, and the others having the same silent reactions.
"Mila is the only one who would be able to single handedly keep Loki in line. She also has the most free time, least commitment that would interfere with it, and she can do it, she's strong." Steve says.

"I'll do it," Mila comments to the others. She knows that they think of her as a kid sister or an innocent, delicate child, even if they do know her strength. "What dose 'babysit' mean?" she asks.
"To keep an eye on him, to make sure he dose not get into trouble while he is on probation. I have also discussed this with my Father."
"And Nick Fury," steve adds.
"They also share the feeling that Mila would pose the best candidate to watch over my brother. She does not require to sleep or eat as often and us." Thor makes points to convince the Avengers.
"So, you didn't think to include me in that discussion about sending Mila on a play date with reindeer games?" Tony asks, waving around his finger.

"We can cook our own breakfast," Clint says.
"That's not the point, and not what he was talking about," Steve replies.
"When I arrived at the tower, your main food choices were, vegetables, shawarma and pop tarts, even for breakfast..." Mila jumps in on Clint's false claim.
"We could learn to," Thor says.
"Your body still requires other sustenance," Mila tries to finish her thought.
"How is it that you know what 'sustenance' means but not 'babysitting'?" Clint almost talking over her comment.
"She's only been on earth for a less than half a year, and has almost never left the tower," Natasha defends Her.
"She should still know what 'babysitter' means," Clint defends his own argument.
"That's not true Natasha, Mila has been on earth before," Bruce starts and everyone splitting of to their own arguments and conversations and the noise in the room grows.

A sudden gust of golden dusted wind burst through everyone's face. The wind blows towards Mila while everyone watched her silently. She stares at the rest looking at her with a straight face.
"This argument achieves nothing." She tells them.

"The mission begins next week."

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