Three - Manifested Illusions

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Loki made his way to the other side of Asgard. He begins to think to himself.
'What a idiotic idea, having some mortal in charge of watching over The God of Mischief.'

Loki closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath smirking. When he opens his eyes and he's back in the palace exactly the place he was when he left. Mila a little more than a head shorter than Loki standing in front of him looking to his face.
"You are not suppose to do that." She said with a straight face instead of her usual gentle smile. Loki was still glancing around him asking himself if he was daydreaming or if this was real, just trying to figure out what had just happened.

"It is time for dinner Lady Mila." A housemaid approaches them nervously. They go to a large dinning room where Thor already was waiting. The two sit down across from Thor, then Frigga and Odin come in and sit at the two ends of the tables.

They all dig in, in a silence that slowly becomes more awkward. Loki notices that Mila isn't eating much, and Thor notices the discomfort in her expression.
"Does something trouble you Lady Mila?" Thor asks her, and she looks up from her plate.
"No, it is just quiet. At the tower meals are always very loud, even though it is because they are usually arguing. I thought you and Loki might have some things you'd like to speak about. You haven't had the chance to speak to each other today."

"Have you not quiet meal with your family?" Frigga asks, and Thor has an expression on his face that's worrying about her feelings.
"No, I lived in a cell on a ship in space for almost all of my life." Mila did not change from her soft smile.

More silence lingered in the room before Frigga spoke again.
"We hope Loki has not been trouble to you so far."
"None at all. We'd been standing in a hall all day." she answers, and that to some degree confused everyone in the room.
"Experience something odd brother?" Thor asks, and Loki notices that Thor's eyes had flickered to Mila when he said 'odd'.
"Indeed." He answered. Curiosity growing in Loki for the human girl, that he didn't want to show at all.


Dinner was over. Loki walks into his room closing the door right behind him to try and prevent Mila from entering as well. Wanting to close himself off from others like always. He turns around to see her standing at his bookshelf looking through the types of literature that has collected dust since Loki's imprisonment. He let a split second of shock show on his face.

"How did you enter here?" He asks her in a very calm voice.
"I covet wings more than crowns, for my dreams are of flight, not thrones." Mila didn't let her eyes be torn off the collection of books in front of her. "Pepper Blair." Loki didn't want to ask the question again and tried to figure it out in his head. "I walked in behind you."
"How is it that you do this?" He asks walking over to her. Mila finds something very interesting to her and Loki is right beside her waiting for her answer. She takes the book from the shelf, and turns. The book glows gold and it opens as the glowing pages turn before the light fades.

"I was born with it." She walks to a small living room like area in Loki's bedroom and sits getting comfortable to begin reading. "Are you going to sleep or do you stay up late at night?"
"I suppose I will sleep, what of you?" He's finding her confusing which somewhat angered Loki. He's always understood everyone... Humans, Asgardians, Frost Giants, but her. He can't know her, predict her thoughts, her actions, neither could he manipulate them.
"I don't require the amount of sleep or sustenance you do. I am to keep an eye on you at all times, for now."

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