Two - Plan A

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Mila stands beside Thor in a golden dome, 'suited up'. A black suit similar to the style Natasha wears, but with gold and red accents, and a dark blue hooded cloak covering her head and back. For the trip she also has a brown bag hanging diagonally across her body from her shoulder to her opposite hip.
"Welcome home Thor. Welcome mortal, to Asgard." A man in golden armour holding a long sword greeted.
"Lady Mila, Heimdall the gatekeeper, and a good friend of mine," Thor introduces, "Heimdall this is Lady Mila an Avenger, also a good friend,"
"It is a pleasure to meet you Heimdall the gatekeeper,"
"Greeting again, Lady Mila of the Avengers," they share a lovely moment smiling before Thor and Mila continues their mission.

"All plans are set Lady Mila," Thor explains "We shall stay here for awhile before we bring Loki back to Midgard." She nods, and let's Thor continue as she admires the beautiful Asgardian sky. "My Mother and father would like to meet you, would you mind to change into Asgardian attire?" Mila accepts and follows a palace housemaid.

She are given a light beach brown dress that goes to her shins, and a few pieces of armour a breastplate, and vambraces for her forearms. She continues to wear her cloak with the hood off and her long auburn hair braided to the side. And her bag still hanging off her body.
"What do you know of Loki?" The housemaid gives her and expression of fear and confusion."Have not you met Loki before Lady Mila?" She shook her head.
"No, I arrived on Earth when he invaded, but I have not met him." She explained.
"Keep your guard up Milady, the trickster prince is merciless."
'A comment not unlike others, but expected...' Mila thinks to herself.

Mila follows the housemaid to the throne room doors, where Thor waits for her. The guards open the large doors and the two walk toward the Throne at the end of the long hall with many pillars.

"Lady Mila?" Odin's loud deep voice echos through the large empty room.
"Yes, your highnesses?"
"Thor has told us great deal of you. We would like you to acknowledge Loki is known as a great trickster. Loki has said he is willing to attempt a better path, we believe you will watch over our son well, keep him in line."
'Why do I feel as though they are marrying off a daughter?' Mila couldn't help but think, slightly amused.

The large doors open again. Loki is brought in with bound wrists, and accompanied by many palace guards.
"Loki. This is Lady Mila of Midgard. She will watch you during your rehabilitation on Asgard." Loki looks at the Maiden and can't help but silently recognize her radiance.

Loki and Mila walked away while Thor spoke to his father a little longer. Once out of the room Mila put her hand on Loki's restraints. Gold light appeared from her fingertips and rushed through the crevasses of the handcuffs, and they fell of his wrists.
"Do you believe this is wise Lady Mila?" One of the guards ask her, and Loki smirks while he rubs his wrists.
"I trust he will behave well enough," Mila says with a gentle smile. It somewhat surprises Loki, but makes sure he doesn't show any of it.
"Could I bring this to the kitchen?" She asks them about her bag.
"I will do that for you Lady Mila." A housemaid says holding out her hands, offering to take the bag to the kitchen for her.
"Thank you, could you please put it in a cupboard?"
"Of course Lady Mila." And they housemaid walks toward the kitchen, and Loki walks away with Mila.

"What now Mortal? Do you expect me to give you a tour or something?" Loki spits out.
"That would be nice." Mila gazes around at the beautiful architecture of the palace.
"Like I would do that." Loki slightly picks up his pace, but Mila easily keeps up.
"I didn't say that I expect that of you, only that it'd be nice."

Loki splits two with his magic, the illusion walking with Mila while he walks away.
'I do not require a baby sitter watching over me, although this mortal is not as bad as the other Avenger Mortals.' Loki thinks to himself

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