Five - Night Garden

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After many days, in the middle of the night, Loki wakes up and looks over to see Mila sitting in the same spot on the couch. She is in her nightgown and cloak, reading more of his books in the low light of the stars.

Loki gets up from his bed and walks over to her. She notices and looks up at him.
"Let's take a walk." He offers her a his hand.
The two leave the palace for the first time since she entered the it. They walk to Frigga's garden, and Mila has her attention immediately grabbed by the growing plants and she walks over to a purple one.

"What are these?" She crouches down and touches it's soft indigo petals.
"Have you not seen a flower before?" Loki let confusion cross his face.
"I have lived on a ship for most of my life, and I have left the tower very few times."
"In books? Midgard's technology?"
"I have books without pictures, they have been mentioned, but I don't usually access Tony's Technology. This is also the first time I left the palace since I've arrived." She stand up and looks around more. "Are these all flowers?" She asks him.
"Yes." she walks over to the only flowers that she recognizes a white rose bush.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
"Romeo and Juliet." He comments.
"Yes, but William Shakespeare." She smiles brightly.


They walk a little further from the palace until Mila sees a peach tree and stops. Loki looks at her face and she's not smiling. She has a straight expression with hints of pain and sadness as if she had a memory flood back to her in a tsunami.
"Are you alright?" Loki asks her, and she turns to him with a smile.
"Of course." With sadness still in her eyes that Loki could see, and he sits against the tree.
"Come sit with me." She grabs a peach from the tree and starts to eat it, before sitting beside him.
"Will you read to me?" She leans against his arm and closes her eyes.
"You are a strange mortal. Well... if you insist..." He comments.
"I do."

They sit there for a while he reads to her before he notices that she is asleep. He picks her up in his arms princess style and carries her back the way they came. Walking, he looks down at her face every once in a while.

Mila walks beside Loki caught up in her illusion. Curious of what he would do if she'd fall asleep. She smile knowing that he's really just the misunderstood person the thought after Thor had told her his story.
Not so happy at the fact that she's reminding herself why she can't help but only trust actions in certain situations and very cautiously the words people say. Illusion are everywhere and not only created by those who can manipulate what people can see, smell, taste, hear, and/or touch.
The things people do when they think they're alone, the things people think in their head, that's who people really are.

Loki walks back through the garden, and down the halls. He gets to his room and goes over to his bed where he lays Mila. He then lays beside her pulling the covers over them both, before closing his eyes, and lets herself sleep beside him.


It is dark and I cannot see anything around me. I see a gold light in front of me before I see people. A young girl with straight dark brown hair looking down at her feet, shaking, crying. The dust brushes over the girl, and now she is slightly older. I can see that she looks sad with her purple eyes almost crying and she has a black mark on the left side of her neck and jaw, it goes down to her same side shoulder and presumably down her arm that is covered with her sleeve.
"In your cell! Now!" I heard a loud deep voice demands her as her face winced at his ear piercing scream full of anger.

The girl then glows with gold dust and grows into a full scene that surrounds me. The girl is older, she wears a black suit and black hooded cloak over her head. She holds a golden sceptre with a purple orb about the size of a fist in a perfectly fitting intricate golden cage at the end. On the other end is a spear with a purple gem in the middle of the golden spear head.

She stands above pools of blood and piles of dead bodies. The very land was in flames, smouldering building and bodies charred. Her eyes, a bright gold as she looked down at the scene in front of her with cold eyes and no remorse in her expression. It looked as if she destroyed an entire planet.

Gold dust surrounds me so I'm in the dark again, and she on sitting in her knees cradling a young girl's body that was impelled through the chest while she cries for the dead girl.

My eyes dart open and then I see Mila huddle up into a little ball beside me. I see tears running down her face. I wipe them away with my hand and pull her close to me.

It was not her, it could not be her, I can't quite remember her face, but the girl had a black scar. It looked like she was burned, scarred. Mila is just a mortal from earth. A beautiful sweet, kind, soft spoken mortal.

'Why the hel do I care? Why does she make me so confused? Why does she make me happy? Why to I want to be nice to her?' His mind raced with questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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